Forum Post: "5 Right-Wing Governors Gutting Schools to Fund Prisons, Tax Breaks for the Rich ... And a Bible Theme Park", by Sarah Jaffe.
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 12, 2012, 11:34 p.m. EST by shadz66
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
February 12, 2012 "AlterNet" ( ) :
It's budget time again, and with the economy still in rough shape, that means it's time for governors to show where their priorities are.
It's probably not surprising that right-wing governors claim they can't fund education properly when revenues are low—we've been seeing this happen for years, even before an actual economic crisis knocked states sideways. But cutting funds to schools isn't the only option for states even if they do have to balance their budgets. There are many other places to cut—and of course, they have the option of raising taxes, something the conservative crowd simply refuses to do.
Like any other choice made by a politician, budgeting is a decision laced with ideology. When state after state slashes education dollars (and often at the same time funnels more of the money they do spend to private companies running charter schools, or gives it away as vouchers) we see what matters to them. And when you take a look at the programs that get funded, or the people who get fat tax cuts as money is drained out of the schools, well, you see what matters to state governments.
Here's a look at five of the governors taking money away from their states' kids, and a look at some of the things they are still funding.
- 1) Pennsylvania :
Governor Tom Corbett set off a wave of anger this week when his new budget hit—and slashed a full $1.2 billion from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade education. According to the Education Law Center, that's taking a full 15 percent out of the budgets of the state's already-struggling schools.
That would be bad enough. But, as the Law Center noted, “the cuts fall hardest on school districts with the greatest student poverty.” That means schools in poor districts will get less funding, while wealthy districts lose very little. So the Reading School District in Berks County, which has a frighting 90 percent student poverty rate, loses $1,083 per student, while the Wyomissing School District, with only 22 percent student poverty, is losing just $112 per student.
Corbett expects the schools to make up the funding cuts, naturally, by cutting teachers' pay and firing more experienced teachers—which probably means bigger classes and more work for those who remain with lower salaries.
And then there's the state's universities, which already took a 20 percent hit last year. According to the Delaware County Daily Times, Corbett's cutting $230 million from Penn State, Pitt and Temple—an “astounding” 25 percent.
Meanwhile, what doesn't get cut in this budget? While schoolkids in poor districts will see their teachers laid off and their classes get bigger, Corbett's pumped up funding for prisons (11 percent) probation and parole (6 percent) and state police (6 percent). Guess we know where he expects those kids to wind up.
- 2) Ohio :
Ohio governor John Kasich should be used to protests by now—he certainly has seen enough of them since he decided to attack his state's public workers last winter. So although candidates for the state legislature joined Occupy protesters in decrying Kasich's budget cuts to education while eliminating the estate tax for the state's wealthiest, it doesn't seem to have made much of an impact.
According to Policy Matters Ohio, the state's budget (signed this summer) takes $1.8 billion in funding away from Ohio's elementary and secondary schools over the next two school years. The new report noted that 65 percent of respondents to its survey of Ohio school districts say they are facing budget shortfalls as a result of state budget cuts—that means pay freezes, pay cuts, not replacing teachers who retire; 45 percent report “reductions in force”--layoffs.
In his State of the State speech, Kasich touted education as a solution to the state's struggles, but it's hard to see how the state can educate its way out of anything when school districts keep facing cuts. (He urged universities to “commercialize” their research, which is a fancy way of saying produce things they can sell to corporations or that will entice grants from corporate America.)
If Kasich really wanted to demonstrate a commitment to education, he could change his mind about the state's estate tax, which hit the 7 percent of wealthy Ohioans who inherit more than $338,333, and will be abolished next January. That'd save about $250 million a year that could go to the far more than 7 percent of Ohioans who make use of public schools.
- 3) South Carolina :
Kasich's elimination of the estate tax is certainly one example of policies that favor the 1 percent and leave students out in the cold, but South Carolina governor Nikki Haley has gone Kasich one better and proposes to entirely eliminate the corporate income tax in her state. That would cost nearly $140 million in the first year alone—so Haley's taking a chunk of that cash out of public schools.
Her budget, according to Columbia, SC news channel WLTX , cuts “a key funding stream” for public schools, one that primarily goes to teachers' salaries. And another local station, WJBF, reports that while Haley cut public school teachers' incomes, she includes an extra $10 million for charter schools. So that's less money for public employees, more money for private companies using state education funds.
John Ruoff, policy analyst and founder of South Carolina Fair Share, pointed out that eliminating the state corporate tax is likely to have little impact on job creation—but a big impact on much-needed public programs like the schools. "Governor Haley ought to be a lot more concerned about how we develop a state that businesses want to come to," Ruoff told Tax Analysts. That means having decent infrastructure and a well-educated workforce, not just a zero tax rate.
- 4) Alabama :
In no state is it so abundantly clear that the governor is prioritizing other spending over education than in Alabama, where Governor Robert Bentley has proposed taking $230 million from the Education Trust Fund and putting it into the General Fund, which pays for prisons, courts and other parts of the state government.
Henry Mabry of the Alabama Education Association (a teachers' group) told the Birmingham News, “The governor's actions are absolutely outrageous and do nothing but cut education to bail out the prison system.” And Bentley seemed to inadvertently echo Mabry when he defended his move by saying, “By doing that, we will not have to let a single prisoner out of prison.”
He also wanted to shift Medicaid costs for children's healthcare into the education fund, an additional drain of about $185 million, and his budget for 2013 cuts 1,381 public school teachers, principals and other staffers, and takes $41.1 million from universities and $5.4 million for two-year colleges.
Bentley's plan is so outrageous that it's drawn condemnations from both parties in the state legislature—including the chair of a committee it would need to pass. "It's not going to fly. It's dead," Rep. Jim Barton, R-Mobile, told the Birmingham News.
- 5) Kentucky :
Just to note that it's not just Republicans who cut education dollars and spend on ridiculous things instead—Kentucky governor Steve Beshear is a Democrat, albeit one who brags on his official Web site about “trimming the state workforce” and “reforming” child welfare. Yet his budget offered up a 6.4 percent cut to higher ed and a decrease in funds to K-12 students as well.
But that's not the best part. Travis Waldron at ThinkProgress explained that the governor did preserve a $43 million tax break for a “Bible-themed amusement park — which will include a 500-foot by 75-foot reproduction of Noah’s Ark,” as well as $11 million in spending on the highway interchange that will be near the park.
Waldron pointed out, “...lawmakers could jeopardize Kentucky’s substantial gains in K-12 education and ensure ballooning tuition rates at its colleges and universities, all while they preserve tax breaks for what critics have dubbed the “Ark Park.”
Sarah Jaffe is an associate editor at AlterNet, a rabblerouser and frequent Twitterer. You can follow her at @seasonothebitch ( )
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Fiat Lux ...
LoL... Does anyone tell these governors that if kids were properly educated they might not do things that would make them wind up in prison?
Cuts to education = more uneducated or under-educated people = more potential for criminal behavior = more criminals = more prisoners = even bigger increases to prison budgets.
But you know... perhaps that is exactly what they want.... A poorly educated population. Some with criminal convictions who are thus not allowed to vote, and the rest without convictions who are easy enough to beguile due to their poor education...
The Presidency catches the heat even more than congress, but Governors and their evil empires can go under the radar. Their diversion of budgets to their favorite districts and counties is how their political machine becomes self perpetuating.
I think I said it in another thread. The president is one man. A powerful man, but one man. He is also the most publicly scrutinized and criticized or lauded individual in the country.
But, representatives, governors and senators are allowed to escape that level of that scrutiny. They get longer terms, more shots at reelection and control over a lot of money. What could possibly go wrong? These guys number in the hundreds. They are the source of most of the absurdities which then get blamed on the President (whoever he may be and from whichever party).
Prisons for profit - captive labor - the answer to foreign cheap labor. More to improve (?) your life from Corporatocracy.
@ DKAt : You and others may be interested in :
a) "The Prison-Industrial Complex : Correctional officials see danger in prison overcrowding. Others see opportunity. The nearly two million Americans behind bars—the majority of them nonviolent offenders—mean jobs for depressed regions and windfalls for profiteers", by Eric Schlosser : ;
b) "The U.S. Gulag Prison System The shame of a nation and a crime against humanity", by Stephen Lendman : ;
c) "Political Prisoners in America", by Stephen Lendman : ;
d) "The Economics of Incarceration", by Nile Bowie : &
e) "Obedience to Authority in America - A Different Kind of Revolution", by Mike Whitney : .
fiat lux, fiat justitia ...
As always, informative links.
Not that I am a big fan of Michael Moore, but I do recall his highlighting of that one case of the abuse of our legal system and prison privatization to make profits by one company in his movie about Capitalism.
In my opinion, the goal behind a high prison population is not only economic (profits for the corps) but also a more sinister socio-political goal...
Most people when incarcerated are subjected to such indignities that basically anything (once they get out) seems better.
Its not like they will have access to high paying jobs, but most will actually be more willing to take low paying jobs. Most of them will just want 'a decent life' and to put their experience behind them.
They will become so wrapped up in their own struggles that they will stop caring about the big picture... or simply wont be able to do anything... even if they did care...
As previously mentioned, people convicted of crimes also are sometimes not permitted to vote. Its a great way to silence dissidents by convicting them of crimes like possession of drugs, felony offence which is easy to prove.
I think possession accounts for >25% of the prison population and is probably the easiest way to get tossed in jail. Cop pulls you over and pulls a packet out his pocket and pretends he found it on you or in the car... done deal...
Thanks shadz66
I wonder who owns land in and around the proposed park.
I think they are shortly going to find that their war on everybody is over.
Well ask yourself why do people keep electing them? I do not have a clue.
Funny, quite funny. See 'prison' the PRISON UNIONS, the PUBLIC prison unions. That get rich when MORE prisons are funded are the very people who have CO-OPTED and now run OWS they are called SEIU.
"SEIU" ?!!! + Re. your comment, would you like to put up some evidential links please !! Thanx !
SEIU are not good jobs, they're 'government jobs', sort of like letting the MAFIA put $9 dollars in their pocket for every $10 the tax-payer pay, and $1 making it to the little Guy. Fuck the public unions that control OWS.