Forum Post: 5 Reasons Bernie Sanders Is a Better Democratic Candidate Than Hillary Clinton
Posted 9 years ago on Sept. 18, 2015, 11:59 a.m. EST by factsrfun
from Phoenix, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
H. A. Goodman
1. Bernie Sanders has always embodied the value system that Democrats were supposed to uphold when polls weren't in the favor of progressives.
He's not a Democrat!
2. According to Quinnipiac University's Swing State Polls in July and August, voters in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Iowa and Virginia have an unfavorable view of Hillary Clinton and don't find her trustworthy.
3. Bernie Sanders never needed a private email server. Voters will eventually start asking why Clinton needed her public and private correspondence hidden from the government. Also, Bernie Sanders doesn't need an attorney to give an email server to the FBI.
4. Bernie Sanders is never embroiled in scandal and his campaign is free to focus on issues like wealth inequality, healthcare, and education. In contrast, Hillary Clinton must contend with intelligence agencies and the media; limiting time that should be spent on key topics.
5. Hillary Clinton and her supporters are at odds with the media and U.S. intelligence agencies. Because of this bizarre scenario, the eventual GOP nominee can exploit these rifts and win in 2016.
Why at this point in time Bernie Sanders "IS" the peoples choice to support for office over HRC.
Bernie to date has 650,000 "individual" donors to his campaign.
HRC to date has 250,000 "individual" donors to her campaign.
From: Bernie Sanders nipping at Hillary Clinton's heels: By the numbers
Bernie is now doing better than Hillary by 10 points against the GOP field in Iowa.
Bernie Sanders Draws More Than 20,000 People At Boston Rally
The "do-nothings" are really starting to attack the Bernie supporters on here, Shadz is back as "imnotme", Bernie must scare them as much as he does the 1%.
They call themselves revolutionaries (HEH) and yet they never offer anything as to how they intend for the people to retake government.
Bernie comes along and has a real plan for retaking government (can't do it alone - he admits it - and calls for the people to back him up and support his agenda by getting involved and staying involved in the political process and by putting others into office that support the peoples agenda to get it done) - and these so called (by themselves) revolutionaries attack him (when they can't be successful at trying to ignore or belittle him).
they are ego driven, they think themselves so smart so perfect that the whole world will just realize this one day and fall in line, the ego is always the enemy, I think a lot of people today know how stupid this third party crap is and they will support Bernie the struggle will be between the people and the MSM.....
It never has been about party - not really - it - HAS - in my opinion - ALWAYS - been about the people being involved or not being involved and forwarding the issues or letting special interests (the wealthy few) forward the issues. Putting representation into office or letting special interests (the wealthy few) put representation into office.
And - red state voters have allowed the special interests (the wealthy few) to put representation into office almost exclusively.
the Republican Party has always worked to make the rich richer and to hide to the best they could the fact that they do that, I have been watching bills successful and not and amendments for decades and it is extremely reliable the majority of the GOP will vote to make the rich richer and money more powerful, every time, and the Dems the other way, of course there are other things but when it comes to money they are both very consistent
Bernie Sanders's Revolutionary Politics -- And Why He Could Win
Yes, Polling Trajectory Shows Bernie Sanders Defeating … The Huffington Post · 6 minutes ago
Hillary Clinton finished 3rd in the 2008 Iowa Caucus, even though an October 6, 2007 article in CNN stated the New York Senator had a commanding lead …
Bernie Sanders Fundraising: Post-Debate Push Helps Sanders … The Inquisitr · 23 minutes ago
Bernie Sanders is seeing a major post-debate boost, with a surge in donations that has netted him more than $3 million in just a few days and set him up …
It is a two person race now I hope Bernie's organization in Iowa pulls off the win then I think he wins NH and we will see maybe it takes off, the Dems need a lot of wins in 2016, if the economic policy is going to shift it is going to be a war.
It "is" essentially a two person race Bernie and HRC - except for the fact that there are still a lot of supporters for the clowns of the rethuglicans and one of them will have to be presented in the final election run.
Bernie could take it all in a landslide - if the public is allowed to get to know him.
It is bullshit that the 1st debate was only available to those who have pay to view TV or to those with an internet account and could search for any recordings of the event.
10's of millions of people are essentially cut out of the process right now and won't see a damned thing until the two individuals are chosen to represent by their respective party - one democrat (hopefully Bernie) and one rethuglican (all nauseating to consider as being the candidate).
10 ti 40 US air strikes daily
and the senate says nothing
Bernie is building a movement you should join us and change the world.
Maybe if we all write "NO WAR" on our ballots trinkerbell will come back to life, what do you think?
Why don't you write in "FOR WAR" like you really want you numbnut. Why do you go on about this crap and attack Matt for being anti-war? On an Occupy website no less? What do you stand for beside the status quo factsrfun? It is the one area where Bernie Sanders is weak, you do know that don't you? Oh, of course you do, that's why you're pro-war and attacking people who are against war. You are all for the Military Industrial Complex, but I have news for you, if you don't end the Military Industrial Complex it will be nearly impossible to implement the economic change that Bernie wants to bring to the 99%.
as usual you are stepping into a conservation you know nothing about as usual you totally underestimate how much Matt cares about Tinkerbell, it is he who suggested those who support Bernie might as well wish for Tinkerbell to return to life, in his way of course, I found it to be very insulting to all of us who actually want real change and support Bernie Sanders the do nothings like you are the reason the 1% win all the time.
So when Matt is ready to explain how his carp about writing "NO WAR" is so much more realistic than supporting Bernie in a real conversation he will be know as he who wishes for Tinkerbell's return.
and I've got news for you, it is stupid fools like you that allow the 1% to win
"How Did the Democrats Become Favorites of the Rich?"
Scratch your head over that one.
If you are so stupid you don't know the GOP work to make the rich richer and money more powerful, there is little hope for you, do you really believe it is in any way a close call?
It matters who wins elections, you being more perfect than the Dems really doesn't matter at all except in your head, yes push to make things better but to lose your head and forget about the evil that lurks puts everyone and everything at risk.
The small number of families controlling America's elections:
They contribute to both parties. Use your brain. They control the MSM as well. Lately, lots of Koch commercials on CNN which is funny because Tuesday is the Democratic debate. The whole system is rigged. Quit supporting it.
650,000 people have given to Bernie 2016 you should use your brain and be honest, you know the GOP work to make the rich richer and defeating them is the most important thing we can do.
So because you continue to support criminals, the rest of us should too?
you will do whatever you have to in order to get your tax cuts, since your money is all you care about, but people who think the rich are too damn rich can and should do something about it and the surest way to get something done is to defeat a Republican anywhere and everywhere, it really is that simple
Not just the wealthy few wealthier - but the poor - poorer - and in vastly expanding numbers (increase the size/number of the poor by shrinking the number that are getting by = elimination of the middle class by making them all poor and living hand to mouth in abject slavery). The GOoP continuing and growing program of war on society.
if America elects Trump we are closer to 1934 than even I thought.....the more impoverished people are the more power they will give over
Chump won't get elected - his supporters are the worst of the worst = stars & bars humpers - should be pretty obvious to all.
the politicians can be judge without the backing of the people
the people back Bernie, and Bernie has held steady for over 50 years, the people have an opportunity that may not reoccur for generations if they become aware of it, there was once a group of people especially good at making the people aware of stuff perhaps they will get involved again
this is the only place I see that name and it represents nothing
could be less than nothing, could be writing "NO WAR" on a ballot, and giving the 1% another win
my word is my word
yes, it is, and your word says "give it all to the 1%", it is your word and you can say what you want to, my word is my word too and I say "don't give it all to the 1%".....
a democratic republic government give the power of <1% of the population
My position is that the GOP work to make the rich richer and money more powerful and so I support the position that they should be defeated in elections and anything that reduces the chance that a Republican will be defeated hurts the 99%.
Do you disagree?
It is not my position that the Democratic Party is perfect, just that in those races where a Republican could win they must be defeated.
So Matt tell me where do you disagree?
both parties are losers regardless of who "wins" the election
the people do not support them
when you say 42% are you talking about the 2015 election where the GOP won BIG across the nation? those Republicans will be busy writing laws no matter how many voted, and do you include all the idiots who wrote "NO WAR" on their ballots?
no report NO WAR ballot write in
You speak for "the people" do you? I suppose the people support you they just don't know it right? You are so full of crap Matt, you just want "the people" to butt out and let the 1% run it all.
YOU are dumb as dirt Matt!!
only 42% of the people voted in the last election
the parties have lost voter confidence
Which in the case of writing no war on your ballot makes your word worth nothing.
blow on it first
What. You think you got something infectious that will take down the voting officials and spread?
Or - do you figure that you have some sort of corrosive halitosis that will destroy your ballot and every ballot that it is kept with and so invalidate a bunch of votes - if so - register and vote in a rethuglican stronghold area.
A decent human being running for office is something that happens only once in a few generations?
Wow, nice system.
Wow, you still here guarding your money?
Funny how wealth inequality is one of the main ows memes and you somehow look down upon someone who would like to make more.
Seems to me you just like being an old grumpy bastard more than making any sense.
you are a greedy little piggy worried about tax increases and it's not funny at all you never say a word about minimum wage if you cared about that you would support Bernie and his $15/hr MW plan but you know he will raise your taxes so you oppose him
6 ? = Bernie gets to work on issues prior to being elected to the office he is campaigning for.
Bernie Sanders declares war on the prison-industrial complex with major new Bill
And yet nothing to drastically shrink the amount of people actually IN jail.
Another half ass attempt at real change.
but he got to say declare war like a real man
or we could shout something like WE BELIEVE
you could step up and actually do something "like a real man" but that would be hard work and it is so much easier to just write NO WAR
sorry, so I took so long to get back to you
been busy