Forum Post: 400 people can fit inside a 747 with seats to spare.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 12:27 a.m. EST by tubeinaredcircle
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
400 people were at my sons soccer match. 400 people can fit inside an 8 car subway train. 400 people are inside the Apple store, right now. It's insane that 400 people own nearly half of this countries assets. That's NOT capitalism, that's feudalism.
Just stop buying stuff. Cokes, candy, movies, the list is endless. I know it sounds simplistic, but that is how the rich got rich, by making you think you had to have this or that. Once people stop buying stuff they don't need, and the rich start feeling it in their pocket books and start complaining to their representatives, then and only then will something get done. I'm not talking about the 1%. I am talking about people that own big companies. Buy only the essentials for now. Stop buying new cars. New clothes. Pick a product. There are many that you really don't need. That's what I'm going to do. Once I am out of debt, god have mercy on the next salesmen that knocks on my door. I'm going to drive the two cars I have until the wheels fall off.
The government and corporations want you to spend your money to help the economy. Piss on them! Save your money.
All hail the Lords of Money!
You know, that really is insane. I hope and pray for inflation to stir things up and fix this. God help all of us if the we get stuck with a wealth tax or some other form of robbery or other bad solution to fix this. The 1% will just find a way to hide their assets from that and the middle class will wind up getting robbed.
True dat!!!