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Forum Post: 300+ FEMA Camps

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 8:12 p.m. EST by patriot4change (818)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The government is building and refurbishing 300+ FEMA Camps nation-wide in preparation for Martial Law and total infrastructure breakdown. We are all living in a rapidly degrading economy that cannot sustain itself past the end of this year.

Each FEMA Camp is designed to hold from 10K-20K civilians. The anticipated collapse includes a nationally declared Bankruptcy along with a complete discontinuation of Social Security, Social Security Disability, Medicaid, Medicare and Unemployment benefits.

I don't report this as a SCARE tactic. I bring this to everyone's attention so that you can begin establishing friendships and alliances that will allow you to SURVIVE as a collective whole-- not just a group of random protesters.

Little do you know, your islands of communal living and support may be all you have left. While the Elite 1% escape with their $billions to overseas retirement villas and beach-side bungalows (which they purchased and planned for years ago).



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[-] 2 points by Faithntruth (997) 13 years ago

So that's supposedly a prison spot for 6 million people. What about the remaining 306 million?

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

you miss the point that its a prison spot for 6 million BODIES. the idea is to kill us all and then round up a new batch. Thats what the plastic board coffins and guillotines in the railroad cars are about.

[-] 1 points by Faithntruth (997) 13 years ago

Really? Wow. I hope you have your cave well stocked...

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

hahah. the world is full of idiots and trolls.

[-] 1 points by Faithntruth (997) 13 years ago

Yes, I'd say you are a case in point.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

of course you would, because your the case in point.

[-] 1 points by Faithntruth (997) 13 years ago

Really? What, are you: seven years old? Name calling, immaturity, and conspiracy theories...a winning combination you have thus far... Golly gee, I find I am I ever so persuaded to agree with your every imbilcilic rant, now...

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

The remaining 306 million people will be doing what they always do... trying to capitalize on the chaos and rule over the weakest citizens.

[-] 1 points by Markmad (323) 13 years ago

Really, conspiracy theories are disseminated by the religious right and are bogus as their own cause. Snap out.

[-] 1 points by Faithntruth (997) 13 years ago

Cynical outlook. The mistake, though, is mistaking kindness or fairness for weakness...

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

See the links provided (below) by gawdoftruth comment to this Post. I am not a doomsday conspiracy theorist... I am speaking the simple facts. The U.S. Govt barely escaped bankruptcy in August. Now, they barely escaped bankruptcy again this October. When the ivory tower finally falls, all Govt Assistance programs will come to a screeching halt... and all those living week-to-week on Govt Assistance will find themselves put on the back burner... forgotten... and left to fend for themselves. A Conspiracy Theory is a theory that has no factual basis. Unbeknownst to you, there ARE more than 300+ FEMA Camps being "readied" for nationwide CHAOS... and I know several National Guardsmen who are being trained and prepared for such an event (that HOPEFULLY will NOT take place).

[-] 1 points by Wiseman23x (1) 13 years ago

lets occupy fema lets tell them lets not deal with there bull shit murdurs rampage of american people any more. lets occupy every thing and demand all media outlets tell the truth or we will stay for ever.

[-] 1 points by DefendUS (8) 13 years ago

search for canary islands volcano and east coast tsuanmi.... then try dutchisense for the real haarp story.

[-] 1 points by cooptedokc (1) 13 years ago

dutchsinse is on youtube he predicts weather by haarp rings that you can see yourself in any weather system if you magnify the map

[-] 1 points by WorldFreedom (62) 13 years ago

There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Fear is what these people feed on and control with.

When it comes down to the wire, the overwhelming majority of Human Beings will not turn on their own Brothers and Sisters.

Be Fearless.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

Good post, WorldFreedom. I plan on surviving no matter WHAT comes my way. And, as you can see, I wrote this Post so that others can prepare themselves to do the same. Not with fear... but with diligence and defiance.

[-] 1 points by WorldFreedom (62) 13 years ago

When we have no fear, even of "death" - which is a false idea in itself - No-Thing can stop this movement.

Are you prepared to "die" for it?

I am.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

I'm prepared to LIVE for it. I'm prepared to be right there when the corrupt slobs in Washington D.C. and Wall Street are held accountable for what they have done!

[-] 1 points by WorldFreedom (62) 13 years ago

We do not have long to wait.

The global financial system is on the very brink of total meltdown to an extent never seen before and there is no way out this time.

Of course they would have printed a few trillion more to try to prop up the global ponzi scheme, which would go in to the pockets of the Wall St. mob, but with the OWS Movement on the ground, it could well be different.

Of course they will use fear - market crash, saving lost, depression and so on along with martial law - but if we bow down again as in 2008 they will know that they are strong and too big to fail, and we are weak.

The day of reckoning is nigh.

[-] 1 points by entrepreneur (69) 13 years ago

please re-post this ever where on internet and inform all #occupy sites

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

It is already posted everywhere, entrepreneur. See the links provided (below) by gawdoftruth comment to this Post. I am not a doomsday conspiracy theorist... I am speaking the simple facts. The U.S. Govt barely escaped bankruptcy in August. Now, they barely escaped bankruptcy again this October. When the ivory tower finally falls, all Govt Assistance programs will come to a screeching halt... and all those living week-to-week on Govt Assistance will find themselves put on the back burner... forgotten... and left to fend for themselves.

[-] 1 points by andrewpatrick46 (91) from Atlanta, GA 13 years ago

I studied the likes of your ramblings in my freshman literature class last fall. It was about conspiracies, and this was one of the ones we studied.

so, haha. lol. cool story bro. this is utter non-sense.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

I wish it WAS a conspiracy theory. See the links provided (below) by gawdoftruth comment to this Post. I am not a doomsday conspiracy theorist... I am speaking the simple facts. The U.S. Govt barely escaped bankruptcy in August. Now, they barely escaped bankruptcy again this October. When the ivory tower finally falls, all Govt Assistance programs will come to a screeching halt... and all those living week-to-week on Govt Assistance will find themselves put on the back burner... forgotten... and left to fend for themselves. A Conspiracy Theory is a theory that has no factual basis. Unbeknownst to you, there ARE more than 300+ FEMA Camps being "readied" for nationwide CHAOS... And I know several National Guardsmen who are being trained and prepared for such an event (that HOPEFULLY will NOT take place).

[-] 1 points by LoremIpsum (31) 13 years ago

Our economy will be fine if we vote intelligent policy makers into office, and stop allowing hype-machines to polarize us.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Is it fine in Europe? That is our future. In reality, we are only a few weeks (or at best, a few months) behind the chaos reigning there.

They have tripled the money supply in the last 3 years. The mighty U.S. dollar is going to its grave, by design.

We don't have time to reform and 'change the system' any longer. It is broken.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

I stand behind the Wall Street movement. But the proposal you just made would take 5-10 years to implement and reap any benefits. Unfortunately, the economy may not have more than a few months left. And, more importantly, people don't have another 5-10 years to wait and see what happens.

[-] 1 points by LoremIpsum (31) 13 years ago

Well, elections are coming up soon, and always have a chance to make a change with our ballot. I'm not saying it will be easy, or perfect, but the economy isn't beyond recovery.

Any change worth making will take a long time, anyway. Roma Nova wasn't build in a day.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

My personal opinion, and I could be wrong, is that this Country is beyond needing "change". This Country needs to be "gutted" and we need to start over by implementing the ideals put forth in the ORIGINAL Constitution. All the "garbage" legislation passed in the last 60 years needs to be thrown out the window. We shouldn't be voting for the next politician waiting in line. We should re-write the role of Congress and Senate from the ground up.

[-] 2 points by LoremIpsum (31) 13 years ago

I agree with the sentiment, and understand that the current voter feels disconnected from the policies of the elite. I would even go so far as to agree that our system has become corrupted by special interests. But sixty years of legislation? That's a lot of progress, right there. I think the system is fine - it's the user that's the problem. The people just need to take back control of what is rightfully theirs.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

There are VOLUMES of books that have been written on the laws and amendments that have been passed since 1959. Some say since 1964. If you really studied up on it... you would realize that the 100,000 earmarks and amendments added to our ORIGINAL Constitution have bastardized what we call Democracy. Our Country has been "morphed" into something our Found Fathers would not even RECOGNIZE.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

I knew you would have these links, gawdoftruth. I am not the definitive factor in these truths. People have been following this for quite some time... and by the looks of things... it is coming soon.

[-] 1 points by RealityCheck (10) 13 years ago

please list verifiable sources

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

See links (above) posted by gawdoftruth. I am not the definitive factor in these truths being published. People have been following this for quite some time... and by the looks of things... it is coming soon.