Forum Post: 3 Important Questions on Benghazi
Posted 11 years ago on May 16, 2013, 9:29 a.m. EST by john32
from Pittsburgh, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Anyone still supporting this administration needs to have their head examined. They have gone after more whistle blowers than all the other presidents combined....they're in bed with Monsanto....the newly leaked cover ups are insane (AP and IRS....whether you agree with tea party groups or not shouldn't matter)....imprisoning American citizens without a trial....assassination of American citiziens without any due process.....WTF if going on here?????
This isn't political....i'm not attacking dems..there are perfectly viable dem candidates..i'm attacking this the dem shills can go whine somewhere else. But common your eyes.
Iran-Contra had convictions, Valerie Plame exposure had convictions. Let us see where the Benghazi probe leads. Hillary Clinton's testimony and the Administration's shinola about a you tube video would have been pilloried to the utmost in the past. But then, people of distinction and higher integrity were in the President's office in the past.
The only logical solution is to completely boycott one of the parties and then the whole two-party system goes out the window.
YAY! Murdock!!!!!
How come they report on this?
and ben doesn't have anything to do with fox news.....he's actually leaving that program.
still got the blinders on shooz? haven't talked to you in a few weeks...was hoping you would have woken up by now.
Or is it you can't come to terms with how f'd up the guy you voted for has become?
You're still a funny guy.
Talk about blinders.
This remains a true statement.
We'll see what happens to Ben AFTER he leaves the Murdock fold.
Besides.....Beghazi's been blown so far out of proportion it's not funny.
It's a waste of time, money and a distraction from Congress doing it's duty.
Does your article contain any information about Ben Swann? does that have to do with what we're talking about? I don't disagree that Fox viewers are majorly misinformed....go watch "Outfoxed". Quit trying to potray me as a Fox news watcher....I hate Fox news. Reality Check IS NOT FOX NEWS. If you would watch any of the stories instead of throwing accusations you'd actually start to understand that. I've seen Ben destroy republicans.....especially Romney during the election.
Do I think Benghazi has been blown out of proportion compared to the scrutiny Bush had in similar instances? Absolutely.....but I tend to believe the microscope should have been increased on Bush....rather than look in a different direction for the Obama admin. These people need to be held accountable for their stupidity. Maybe people should ask the real question about the situation....perhaps why we overthrew a country that was no direct threat to this country? I think we should be going after the Obama admin for that....overthrowing countries without congressional approval. That's the real crime here.....if the laws had been followed....we wouldn't be talking about Benghazi right now.
I don't care about Ben.
Nixon and Reagan, should be tried in absentia.
Bush and Cheney should both be sent to Switzerland and put on trial there.
Take care of that, then we can talk about the current situation.
Precedent matters.
As far as Benghazi?
It's bullshit.
"Maybe people should ask the real question about the situation....perhaps why we overthrew a country that was no direct threat to this country? I think we should be going after the Obama admin for that....overthrowing countries without congressional approval. That's the real crime here.....if the laws had been followed....we wouldn't be talking about Benghazi right now."
You gotta be f'king kidding me man. So disregard every presidents abuse of power that's in office until the opposites party is held accountable for their decades of abuse as well? So when the next republican is in office and royally f'ks something up I'll just tell you to wait until Obama has been held accountable. That's a great plan. Have fun with that.
per make no logical sense.
Understand it.
It matters.
FUCK every (R)epelicant. Every last one one of the lying, war mongering, tax raising service lowing, racist, bigoted, anti -American, creationism teaching, union busting, worker hating, Koch loving, one of them.
That goes double for the Paul boys.
No it doesn't matter....what you're talking about is the same bullshit that's kept this country in a downward spiral for the last century. "We can do whatever we want to...because they did while they were in office."
F'n BS
Our entire system of law is built on precedent.
Yep, it matters...........A lot.
that simple fact, makes what you're saying bullshit, not the other way around.
So how far back are you willing to go with these two disgusting parties?
The further you go, the uglier it gets.
Considering it's another change of subject.
I'd have to say 2 -3 thousand years.
Get back to us when you have that figured out.
You're like a little kid on the playground dude...grow the f'k up. "He did it first!"
With that logic sit back and relax....because the same stuff that's been happening...will continue to happen and the country will continue to go down the toilet.
You really see the big picture.
I show you reality and you show a hissy fit.
Go back to the dailypaul, where you came from.
Our system of laws is built on precedent.
I didn't say I like.
I'm just pointing out that it is.
Go into any lawyers office and if he's worth a damn he will have an extensive library of law books full of those precedents.
"You post that like you're a regular Jon Stewart watcher.
If so? This is extreme cherry picking."
I watch him every day. He's actually honest.
"Both are bigots and extraordinary liars."
If you're going to make accusations like that...please provide a shred of evidence. Like direct quotes that are lies. I've never defended Rand Paul here.....he's a politician....his dad was the honest one. So please.....provide direct quotes which show Ron Paul lying.
They are both liars, worse than the rest.
See're so full of shit man. I just said i've never defended Rand....and I said give me one direct quote of Ron Paul showing me he lies....and you can't do it.
"I didn't know anything about those newsletters".
"I'm a republican".
Do you need more?
This whole fucking thread is about "made up stuff", so before you accuse me?
Take a look at yourself.
"Go back to the dailypaul, where you came from."
Way to bring people into the organization're like everything this organization started out against. Partisan hackery and kicking people out who don't share your exact beliefs.
Here's who you need to look at.
Oh and here's some stuff that's closer to the ground.
The kinds of things you should be a lot more concerned about.
I won't bother with all the gun nuttery.........for now.
Wake up...even your own f'ing party can see through Obama's BS:
You post that like you're a regular Jon Stewart watcher.
If so? This is extreme cherry picking.
PS: In regards to some of your other responses. I NEVER lied to you about Ron Paul, nor Rand Paul.
Both are bigots and extraordinary liars.
OTP ???
Part of what bothers me about their accusations, is that when I post something completely non political about the people, or organizations that brought us here.....They ignore it.
For instance.
@the evershill
So now U R admitting 2 B a tabloid writer???
And the lame excuse - it was already talked about so I didn't.
Your postings are just boring. That's why you get few comments. Look at people like me and others who get tons of comments. You need to sell your story with a good headline. And you need to write something punchy which will attract readers.
Might as well be...........LOL
Neither one of them like it much when I pick on the Paul's and their libe(R)tarian/(R)epelican't cohorts.
It's like they both forgot about Paulbot invasion of the forum.
It is sad to see such blind devotion.
I don't mind when you pick on Ron....the difference between you and me though shooz-and there is a very big difference-is that when i attack someone for something...i do it honestly....i don't just make shit up and run with BS partisan talking points like you do.
Ben Swann being a prime example.....and Ron also a prime example. The only time I've disagreed with you about them is when you're perpetuating lies. You can disagree with their policies (although swann doesn't have one that he's voiced because he's a real reporter)....but don't f'ing lie about them.
Because I have good things to say about Ron you get on here and automatically throw the "teabagger" or "libtard" shit at me......while you ignore all the positive comments I have about Kucinich, Jill Stein, or other progressives that are actually honest...rather than your hero Obama who is a horrible example of how this country should be run...and is in bed with the very corporations you're on here all the time bitching about.
No....not OTP....I have 1 screen name....i don't pull crap like VQ does here.
The only thing in that list that Dems dont do is the creationism thing.
I consider Dems union busters because of their love of offshoring jobs. Clearly they love war just like the Republicans, and they love taxes. They are horribly racist within as evidenced by their love of the drug war and their love of prisons.
They keep bailing out the banks so clearly they love Wall St just like the Republicans. They ALL lie. They even lie about each other.
I guess they dont take money from the Kochs, but with all the other scumbags they do, does it really matter? Trading out one scumbag for another?
Shooz is clearly paid to post. Its why you never hear him utter the words corporatism or fascism. Or just another old brainwashed dude that just doesnt get occupy.
I hate Republicans too. But Im not going to let the other side off the hook. Its about time Americans started having some self respect and demanding better.
Yeah. Like that quote from Braveheart:
"You're so concerned with squabbling for the scraps from Longshank's table that you've missed your God-given right to something better."
shooz has an agenda, fact will never get in her/his way.
What fact?
Hurry up now, I have to go to the credit union.
To start with - the following faux noose headline is not true (FOX19) - The White House today released over 100 pages of emails regarding the attack in Benghazi.
These emails were released months ago - and there is nothing there.
my opinion: I hate monsanto and their power in Washington
What are YOU DOING about it ?
Not voting for the same jackasses that continue that status quo....Romney and Obama would be said status quo candidates.
Maybe I was not clear - I asked you what are you DOING
not what are you NOT doing
Not voting in office the people who will keep the scheme going isn't doing something about it? That's the heart of the problem.
I'm also spreading the message....keeping myself up to date on all the GMO studies..go through the posts on here about Monsanto and how many I've posted. Quite a few.
What else can you do besides spreading the message and not voting in office the same jackasses that keep the scheme going? If I had millions i'd donate a bunch of it for in-depth peer reviewed studies on GMO crops...unfortunately I don't. Although if you've looked through the current studies your mind should pretty well be made up about them.
Here's what Ive been doing
Good stuff....def worth the fight.
please consider-.IMHO virtually every OWS goal starts in exactly one place
getting the money out of politics
this foundational approach- reversing citizens united & ending corporate personhood is the most comprehensive route to tearing America away
from the 1%
I agree with you....that is foundational to anything positive coming out of this system....getting money out of politics.
Exactly. If you hate Monsanto why would you vote for the people that take their money?
Its fear mongering media at its finest. These people want something better, but are scared. I used to be too. Until I took a hard look at what all that hard work in 08 got us.
Most common people are getting it, its about 15% of registered Dems and 15% of registered Republicans that keep the division going.
Unfortunately that 30% is WAY more active than the remaining 70%, so thats what the media is geared to, and what the press covers, and what the remaining people tend to view as community leaders on that topic.
If we could take that 30% and lock them in a closet for a year, things would change quick.
Not true. I’m not sure how you came up the 15% number, but I don’t believe it. For example, most presidential elections are won and lost on just a few points. I’d say the people are pretty much divided right down the middle, 50%, give or take a couple of points depending on the hot issue of the day. We are a divided people by all measureable standards. Seldom do people change their political views.
To further compound the problem, the left and right hate each other with such venom no discussion is possible. If anything we are more divided every day. Some States and regions may be lean liberal or conservative, but it is countered by other States on the other side of the fence. I don’t see a solution. We hate each other too much. For instance, on this forum the hate toward conservatives is so bad absolutely raw.
Seems to me people are opting out. People can’t handle all the bullshit and start ignoring everything except their own little world. Who can blame them.
Approval voting would likely result in a bit of change about that 50 50 point of view.
poor people don't vote if they did a populist would be president and all this would be moot.
it's not hate towards conservatives fuck i have some conservative beliefs most do the thing is butting your head against a wall of abject ignorance every time you talk to them. the worst is when they have a half truth my god what they do to those. seriously though it reaches a point where it is just like shut the fuck up we have heard your flawed logic enough we no longer wish to lend your bat shit ideas credibility by hearing them out. that in a nutshell defines what is occurring.
The irony is your conservative friends probably the same feelings about your logic and half truths. I think the normal attitude each side has about the other is “Those poor, stupid, bastards. If they would just stop and grow a brain we might get something done”. It’s exasperation, anger and bewilderment that manifests itself into hate. And still, I don’t know how we fix it.
the difference is my logic is sound and my truths are whole. people like you are going to get us all fucked and i am not going to stand around while some dumb ass half wit like you rationalizes the use of drones, or the death penalty, or banks, or credit cards, or multinational corporations, or wall st., or walmart, or war or any other fucking thing. this conversation is concluded.
"Seems to me people are opting out. People can’t handle all the bullshit and start ignoring everything except their own little world. Who can blame them."
I agree 100%.
I come up with that number from the following:
Around 50% of the country votes. Less if you count the felons that these two sickos dont allow to vote. The other 50% + fall into that category me and you agree on from your last sentence.
For all the doors you knock on, WAY more than half ask you to just leave them alone.
So we have 25% on each side of those that actually take a couple hours out of their life once every four years. Honestly, I think that saying that more than half of each of em is loyal or really gives a shit is being generous. Most people that vote hate politics, and only pay attention about two months before the campaign season. Its why all campaigns really kick it up after Labor Day.