Forum Post: 3 Harlan coal company Manalapan mine employees indicted
Posted 13 years ago on March 4, 2012, 7:35 p.m. EST by GirlFriday
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A Harlan County coal company and three supervisors willfully violated federal health and safety rules, exposing employees at an underground mine to the danger of being hurt or killed, a federal grand jury charged Wednesday.
Read more here:
"They were playing Russian roulette with the miners' lives," Oppegard said. Those charges related to false reporting are felonies, punishable by up to five years in prison. The other charges in the indictment carry a maximum one-year sentence. If we played with lives and people died would our sentence be so short? Why do we treat CEO's as if they are somehow removed from their actions or crimes? Because it involved a large corporation / profits. In my mind that is akin to murder or manslaughter for hire.
I agree. 100%.
How much you want to bet it's a non-union mine?
I hope they get sued out of business.
I was just trying to look that up. Here is a better article.
I can't find any evidence of a union.
You'd think after Massey, they would have learned.
I don't see a list at the UMWA.
Hopefully, this will lead to change and a little closure.
Guess who the owners are quite cozy with..........
of course you wouldn't know, those guest books are being kept from the public. are a false positive fan on top of it all. Sweeeet.
Not at all, I think DC is perfect and not part of the problem, just like you!
Except for that other party.
What other party?
That's right! There is no other party! Fill DC with D's and all will be swell!
If the other option is dealing with your boss, then the last thing the US needs is more of your ethics.
You will be detained indefinitely and part of your torture will be having your toenails pulled out of their fungal nail beds and fed to you.
For it is written.
Now, you are just being boringly stupid.
Coming from an expert on the subject of boringly stupid, I'll take that under advisement.
Oh, I think DC is part of the problem. That is something that you cooked up in your very own little mind to pacify yourself.
No, no and no. If not, you're just plain dishonest and stupid.
SmeggitySpooge's name shall not be besmirched!
It already has been. You did that all by yourself. You are an unethical, slimy, filthy, ignorant POS.
I completely understand your fixation upon, and infatuation of, me.
It's very similar to mine with your other hero, Pelosi.
I wouldn't have you if you were the last man on earth. :D
FINALLY, you have accepted that I've rejected you in absolute terms!
I'm proud of you, Ms Celebrated Slattern!
[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (3354) 12 minutes ago I wouldn't have you if you were the last man on earth. :D ↥like ↧dislike reply edit delete permalink
Come on psycho, you've been trying to hump my codpiece since the 3rd grade.
Don't make me bash you in that bulldog eating mayonnaise looking baboon face of yours again.
I do not like stupid men. You are the dictionary entry of stupid.
Make no mistake. I will take you to the ground by your pinky and you will beg to lick my boots.
Such a mature response. I doubt you could do anything but cower to power.
You don't have any power.
You figured it out, good for you!
We've already been through that and even though you've had your dubious sex change operation, I won't copulate with primates no matter how much you want me to lick you.
Sorry for your bad luck, again.
I am a female. I was born a female and I will die a female. I wouldn't have you if you were the last man on earth.
Back off Smeggity, Friday is a nice lady. You are barking up the wrong tree.
You've been duped. ;-)
Back off of Pelosi, twit! She's mine!!!
I guess we could share.
She's been blowing up my phone and foaming at her pie hole for some of that fast and furious action.
Block in a few days on your calendar for it.
BTW..... I love being called "twit" almost as much as "democrat"!
It really gets my jewses flowing.
As long as it doesn't get the inexpensive Canadian oil flowing! That would make me stop for sure! Can't have that!
If they're smarter than we, are we hate em!
I want some free BC pills, don't they make the for men?
If not, that's discrimination and we can't have that either!
It's not "discrimination" if it's against men. Are you white also? This stuff matters, we can't just give free stuff to people who don't need it. It's reverse discrimination, which is the good kind of gender discrimination.
Sorry, I forgotted my place there for a quickly minute.
I won't stumble or falter like that again.
I really like that 1st part of your comment - some real truth shared there. Troll ideology of the corrupt and greedy - 101.
Thanks for sharing.
0 points by SmeggitySpooge (32) 13 minutes ago
If they're smarter than we, are we hate em!
Was that an Ooops?
I don't blame you for being smitten by me at all. After all, you are merely human and nobody can blame you.
Thanks for the news + EXPOSURE Lets keep hope massey is next !
How wonderful for them. Now all of a sudden we are supposed to worry about coal miners?
You should have cared about that before.
Ya think any of them will actually do a year inside? If so will they get a party and a new job on their release?
Think we will here one of them say "I was just following orders" ?
It is long past time to get the owners to be responsible & accountable.
I don't know. That is a 50/50 shot. Considering the current sentiment in society and the repeated violations, it may be time for them to do the time.
I understand OSHA fines are pretty low and restricted to the supervisors and working management.
Unless it is a gift from God pointing the way to abandoning Fossil Fuel. I don't think we will see a fair outcome. Unless it is being put out as a public pacifier.
It's rare that it has gotten here. They could very well set it up so that the low guy on the totem pole takes the complete and total fall.
It could very well send the message that those good old boy days are over because information can be shared so readily and failure for scrutiny will net negative results.
One can hope.
I don't know if there can be another mining disaster that they can walk away from so easily.
I am waiting to see what happens about that recent one with something like 23 or more deaths. That one should get the hammer if anything should. But again the owner will probably get nothing thrown at him.
??? This one?
Yeah yeah this is probably the one. There were supposed to be more involved.
It might be. The number of deaths fit. The article I saw earlier in the week talked about a fire in a mine ( and it sounded more recent I'm not sure now ) and that the supervisor had bypassed a couple of hundred safety regulations to streamline operations and speed up work. I'll have to see if I can find that article. There had been talk about more than one management person being involved I believe it mentioned three, then it said how low fines were and that the individuals would not likely face a harsh sentence. If this is the mine I am glad someone got nailed. I don't think it is enough and I don't think it should have been just the one found guilty.
Neither the jury nor Judge Berger heard a detailed discussion of the theory at Stover’s trial. But the judge did hear about it during today’s sentencing hearing. MSHA coal administrator Kevin Stricklin testified about it, and former Upper Big Branch superintendent Gary May — who has entered a plea agreement and is cooperating with prosecutors — explained specifically how advance notices gave him the chance to temporarily fix safety problems before inspectors could catch them and demand a more comprehensive repair. That testimony — evidence that advance notifications were indeed a contributing cause of the disaster — was not challenged, either on cross-examination by defense lawyer Bill Wilmoth, additional questioning by the judge, or defense witnesses. Yet the judge choose to simply ignore it, pretend it wasn’t there — say she just didn’t buy it.
I know. How sick. Lets get the scapegoat through the system. And the others have their cozy plea deals. Huh. Who would figure.
Don't get me wrong the guy is guilty it's just he is the low man on the poll he was not alone in this. did, three or four posts ago? :D
Oh sure throw that in my face ( kidding ). I can't help it if its transparent. I still can not believe the things some people get away with. the time of sentencing to hear it, it is too late.
I can't believe it either.
See that is another glaring fuck-up with the justice system. Whats truly sick is that everyone knows it but they still maintain the fiction.