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Forum Post: 25 People to Blame for Financial Crisis

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 12:11 p.m. EST by Fishp00 (122)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Now that most Occupy sites have been dismantled this movement is vulnerable. We need to concentrate on making lasting change such a banking regulations, lobbying restrictions, fair taxation, etc. Government needs to be cleaned of the dirtiest politicians & white collar crime deserves the strictest of punishments. A start in the right direction is holding accountable those who reaped massive benefits into the billions at the expense of the WORLD.

Time's Beginner List of 25 People Responsible for 2008 Financial Crisis:

Angelo Mozilo Phil Gramm Alan Greenspan Chris Cox American Consumers Hank Paulson Joe Cassano Ian McCarthy Frank Raines Kathleen Corbet Dick Fuld Marion and Herb Sandler Bill Clinton George W. Bush Stan O'Neal Wen Jiabao David Lereah John Devaney Bernie Madoff Lew Ranieri Burton Jablin Fred Goodwin Sandy Weill David Oddsson Jimmy Cayne

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/completelist/0,29569,1877351,00.html



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[-] 1 points by WarmItUp (301) 13 years ago

Yes this is a great link, I think sometimes people just like to say the big corporations are to blame, when in reality the people behind those corporations are the real people who need to be publicly shamed and imprisoned if they have committed crimes. Have any of these people been to jail, thousands of peaceful protesters have gone to jail since occupy started, how many of the people who destroyed our nations economy costing us trillions have been put in prison?

[-] 1 points by devilliers123 (18) 13 years ago

The only permanent change can come after the BANKING ACTS are rewritten and the ROTHSCHILD BANKING SYSTEM is dismantled.

Both unfit for purpose other than slavery

[-] 1 points by Fishp00 (122) 13 years ago

I think the American consumers have paid enough - now where is their share? Any ideas on how to handle this issue?

[-] 0 points by Jimboiam (812) 13 years ago

People can't handle the fact that they have any blame in our national problems. Voting for the D or the R for years, spending money frivolously, not planning for the future, supporting special interests over those of the nation. All of those things have been done by the citizens, and its funny how many OWSers can't look in the mirror and see that they have done these things.

[-] 1 points by Fishp00 (122) 13 years ago

I think the worst thing the average American has done was be apathetic over civil issues and not staying on top of being educated about what is going on in politics and the economy. That should definitely be stressed from the here on out - we as the American people need to change. We can't trust our government and definitely not the market.

[-] 0 points by Jimboiam (812) 13 years ago

Bingo. Apathy. You can see it in the post voting videos. People have no idea why they voted the way they did, and if they do, it is usually for some selfish reason that is clearly nothing to do with what is best for all Americans. I just want what is best for everyone not part of the country, for everyone.

[-] 1 points by Fishp00 (122) 13 years ago

"People have no idea why they voted the way they did"

With how much misinformation is out there it is a wonder people even show up at the polls anymore. Which begs the questions why oh why is voting not online???