Forum Post: 2016 Bernie momentum on the rise
Posted 9 years ago on July 8, 2015, 12:30 p.m. EST by factsrfun
from Phoenix, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 9 years ago on July 8, 2015, 12:30 p.m. EST by factsrfun
from Phoenix, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The rethuglicans in office keep trying to help Bernie's campaign.
Gotta love the way they keep trying to commit suicide.
When will someone take pity and refer them to Dr. Kevorkian?
MSNBC carried Trump's whole speech in Las Vegas, I don't know about the Phoenix event, and FOX NEWS didn't talk about either one at all, I am so hoping for a Sanders v Trump that would be awesome!
Trump the CHUMP. I hope the fucker blows a ton of money financing his travesty of a campaign - maybe have to declare bankruptcy - AGAIN.
The rethuglicans hate him more than they did mitten - for speaking out-loud in public crap that they don't want to say in front of the public - like how much they look down on everyone and how racist they are - and how much they strive to get richer on the pain and loss of everyone else and and and . . . . just pointing out so clearly why rethuglicans should all be booted out of office immediately if not sooner.
I just TWINKLED that comment but apparently I still can't vote. Do you know anything about that?
Re. Trump the Chump & Repugnants -
From which - ''I believe Donald Trump is deliberately and directly appealing to that white racist core of the Republican Party, and that’s why he is currently number two in the Republican polls. He is selling racism and he is winning.'' This is The Biggest difference between D&R. You should focus on it more!
I don't believe either party has anywhere close to the support of the people
we are simply stuck with the media support reports on these two misrepresentations
True that and perhaps you would like to explain that to Mr.'Don't Know Anything today' below too! And see... Thank goodness for the inter-web and #Twitter etc."THEY" can't control it all!
they're failing to produce content
they don't build it
Who don't build what? + fyi: .. tho' probably more appropriate on one of your Anti-War forum posts. Solidarity!
they don't build it
this article is giving me numbers with out giving any content and why burt and ernie are on the rise
''The business is death, and business is good.'' -- is the title and link. Also fyi, please calmly consider later: + then perhaps also.. Incredibly the United States of Security/War Machine is gaining even more ground as we all sleep.
money is circulated for the security/war machine mouse trap
as traps have triggers
Much truth there, I think. Keep The 99% preoccupied with mere money, while Empire & Fascism role on! Also please do consider the Twitter Alien Meme on the matter of money and by extension .. War! Feel free to follow on Twtr!
more scare tactics by the DOD
@thack86 9h MC1 favorited a Tweet you were mentioned in 16h: @Matt_Holck @ConanOBrien I grew up a huge Carlin fan and was always skeptical of that part of his act. Now I'm not. RIP George, you live on
To understand what happened in US in the 2008 Meltdown and what's been happening on a slower but deeper scale in Portugal, Ireland, Spain and all over Europe, until things came to a head in Greece now because The People AND Government tried to resist, please watch - It's an essential documentary in order to understand fundamental OWS issues.
US poised to distribute weapons around the world
so the ad I got off youtube when I clicked this video lead up to a movie where a women shots a double barrel gun
The sad truth of the US War Machine abroad underpins much violence and machismo at home and thus also please see and consider its implications.
Talk to jart ODIN - all I can say - IS - HAAAAHAAHAhahahahaaaaaaa - sucks to be you!
yep I put up a post on that,
Of course msnbc carried the whole speech.
If it Bleeds - it Leads !!!!
And the Donald Chump cut his own throat from ear to ear.
No way were they gonna miss displaying that!
I have some exciting news,
More people have contributed to our campaign than to any other candidate running for president, Democrat or Republican.
That is truly remarkable, and I am humbled by this support. But I will be frank: it may not matter in the end unless we get organized now.
On the evening of July 29, we will kick off building the organization that will take back our country from the billionaire class — and I’m going to speak directly by video to this unprecedented gathering.
People will gather at more than 1,000 homes, restaurants, and other locations across the country for our first ever national organizing meeting, including this event close to you:
Wednesday, July 29ᵗʰ at 5:45 pm CDT Andover, MN Grassroots for Bernie Sanders for President 2016 15570 Linnet Street NW Andover, MN 55304 More about this event:
But there are many, many more events happening all over. Find other events happening near you, and RSVP to join us for this historic night.
Find more events
At our organizing meetings, you'll have the opportunity to meet other supporters in your area, talk about why you support our campaign, and then tune in to a live broadcast where we will discuss how we take the next step together to build the organization that will change our country.
What we are building together is both unprecedented and critically important to our future. While other candidates may have more money, we have already proven that we have more people — now let's show them what happens when the people unite.
Find and join an organizing meeting for our campaign on July 29.
Thank you.
Bernie Sanders
Paid for by Bernie 2016
(not the billionaires)
PO Box 905 - Burlington VT 05402 United States - (855) 4-BERNIE
The crowd last night was HUGE, I'm not talking Donald Trump huge I mean for real HUGE bigger than the crowd Gore got in 2000 or Kerry in 2004, Bernie is on fire!
Bernie Sanders in Phoenix Arizona
Sanders supports the bombing of other countries
just in general, or all of them? hey Matt you having any luck finding an anti-bombing website? I know Bernie is very much against wealth inequality, as am I, as is OWS
Holy fuck its like 2008 all over again.
much like when the people thought the government would change with Obama
those people must have forgot they had a part to play, given what happened in 2010 and 2014, I guess people who think others will/can do it all are just stupid, of course some of us were never taken in by that bullcrap and supported Hillary back in 2008, she would have jailed some bankers, but now we got Bernie at least those of us who want to do something
let's get an outsider that isn't
no worries the 1% will take care of it for you
we have been given bernie as a option with who leaads as the US continues tom bomb other cvontries
you know some try to co-opt OWS to kickstart ego driven bullshit political parties, others want to divert OWS from its core mission of addressing wealth inequality, co-opters come in all types I guess
actions speak louder than than arbitrary money numbers NO WAR
yeah why would people on this site care about money? oh that's right, it's what the whole thing was about from the beginning, but I guess if you can't find an anti-war site anywhere you might as well post here......
turbo are you worried he may raise taxes?
NO - not at all.
But you go ahead and draw your stupid comparisons anyway!
you should have seen the crowd Bernie had in Phoenix last night it was HUGE
Ya I saw it, I also saw that people are sick of these idiot politicians and basically hijacked the event, as they should have.
How insulting to have rich white guys come into your town and talk about this that and the other thing.
You got a nice glimpse of Bernie - and the fact that he's a career politician- in his remarks to the moderator.
Politicians don't like not being in control. Its what they thrive on.
Thankfully those protesters told em to screw themselves.
Bernie marched with MLK, some people are stupid....
More help for Bernie - provided by the rethuglicans in office:
Stubborn Defiant and Proud(?) Racism (0+ / 0-)
Just one more publicly displayed reason why the republican party is dying?
GOP Losses Span Nearly All Demographic Groups PRINCETON, NJ -- The decline in Republican Party affiliation among Americans in recent years is well documented, but a Gallup analysis now shows
Comment above taken from :
The first step toward a new world is to kill the GOP.
ABSOLUTELY a 1st good step!