Forum Post: 2012 is the year for change , Obama is yo man ,
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 20, 2011, 7:16 p.m. EST by thefutureisnow
from Newark, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Now i want to set the record strait for all you freaks who have something to say about my boy Obama , the national defense bill was only created to get Obama out of the white house by racist gop and rep party members who conspired with corrupt democrats , so why was it dropped on us on election year why not last year its all propaganda for people with small minds and racist views and invalid political ideologies, so it would be great also if the numb minded propaganda freaks could stay away but it seems like every time i post a potential forum that has anything to do with Obama they jump right on it well at least i got their attention you see how easy it is to control the small minded propaganda freaks, i was not even trying ,
If Obama is so great, why didn't he veto that bill? I had high hopes, but Obama has been a terrible disappointment.
TROLL... or escapee from the Loonie Bin.
Watch out for the men in the white coats!!!
get bent freak,