Forum Post: NEWS ARTICLE: ~2 Million Strike in the UK!~
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 30, 2011, 6:27 a.m. EST by badconduct
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Nearly two million British public-sector workers opposed to government pension cuts, are set to embark on a 24-hour general strike.
Wednesday's strike will involve immigration officers, teachers, garbage collectors, firefighters and other public-sector workers spanning 30 union groups, and will be the largest since 1979's Winter of Discontent.
Angry over pension overhaul, which they say will require them to work longer before receiving a pension and contribute higher amounts each month to the account, as many as two million people could stay away from work on Wednesday.
Some within the Confederation of Trade Unions, the group organizing the strike, predict the walkouts could be the largest since 1926's General Strike.
Austerity measures are also one of the catalysts of this strike. Downing Street extended on Tuesday a cap on public-sector pay raises through to 2014.
Good shit, sir!