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Forum Post: 2 million jobs destroyed because republicans want one man's job!!!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 3:38 a.m. EST by judithlj (10) from South Bend, IN
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[-] 2 points by rbe (687) 13 years ago

Most jobs are leaving due to automation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0Z8TR4ToNs

[-] 2 points by judithlj (10) from South Bend, IN 13 years ago

This country is changing from industrial to intellectual production, Bill Gates has said we have a huge gap in the work force that do not have the education to meet the demands that are coming. So what do the republicans do - they cut education.

[-] 1 points by rbe (687) 13 years ago

Computers are doing a lot of the intellectual production now as well. A computer programmer I know said that within a decade computers will be smarter than us. Check out this book: Lights in the Tunnel. http://www.thelightsinthetunnel.com/LIGHTSTUNNEL.PDF

He did a lot of research, and the intellectual jobs will be some of the easiest to automate. Already, a lot of Wall St trading jobs are being automated using algorithms. Here's 2 articles about pharmacy and legal jobs becoming automated:



[-] 1 points by dreadsPoverty (93) from Mankato, MN 13 years ago

A lot of hard working jobs are being shifted to automation. They did it in the Industrial Revolution as well.

It's difficult to compete with a machine that hardly makes an error.

[-] 1 points by rbe (687) 13 years ago

Yep! But one difference between the Industrial Revolution and now is that our technology is so much further advanced and precise.

[-] 1 points by aleglot (4) 13 years ago

Republicans are brokers and deal makers for the Wall Street. I won't be surprised if Wall Street promised serious money to Republican Caucus for repealing Health Care Law. That is one of the biggest threat for Wall Street.

[-] 1 points by kennyrw (92) from Salem, OR 13 years ago

Grow-up, that one man has pushed supported the spending of more of the peoples money in the last three years than any other time in the history of the US. Democrats and Republicans have been there supporting and allowing it to happen.

It's not about one man's job, and even saying that is just dishonest. Educate yourself, say something that makes sence. Stop drinkng the democrat cool-aid!

[-] 1 points by judithlj (10) from South Bend, IN 13 years ago

First stop getting your news from Fox. Republicans for what ever reason decided to make it clear and public that their sole mission was to make Obama a one term president. BTW I am all grown up and educated. It is easy to recognize the slack jaw double digit IQ's that follow the Tea baggers.

[-] 1 points by kennyrw (92) from Salem, OR 13 years ago

No Judith I don't think you are grown up mostly because all you seem to be able to do when someone questions your world view is to try and insult. Instead of accepting what others tell you is the truth, dig deeper.

By the way look at what those who oppose you stand. You just might learn something. The President's policies continue to hurt the country, a single job created by this administration has cost thousands of dollars of tax payer money. That is a fact, you can not explain away the fact that almost a trillion dollars spent on job creation did not work. So concentrating on replacing a failed administration sounds reasonable don't you think; or should we just let him stay and continue to drag us down the road to ruin.

By the way, the President's current jobs plan is being held up in the Senate, which is controlled by democrats. They have the numbers to pass it if all of the democrat senators voted yes, but they don't have the votes. It's not the republicans stopping the vote, the tea baggers can't be blamed. The truth shall set you free!

[-] 1 points by dantes44 (431) from Alexandria, VA 13 years ago

That's a stupid talking point. Of course any opposition wants the other group to be out of there quickly as possible. Did we want Bush to be a one term President. Yes. Stop it, it's just silly.