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Forum Post: 2 Constitutional Amendment to Remove Money from Politics

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 3:02 a.m. EST by Moderateman (11)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

3) Senate and Presidential Elections: All elections are local in nature and all registered voters can only vote for the senators who represent them in Washington DC. The candidate’s money should only come from their State that they will represent. No outside influence should outweigh the people of that states collective voice. This would return are Senators and president to us. If they want re-election and the vote and money to be re-elected they have to earn it in their state. All election campaign money for the presidential election must be used for campaigning purposes in the state of origin of the donation and to follow all the state election board laws as to maximum allowable contribution level set by that body. They work for us.
 Election board for each State to be established. They will be a 5 member non-partisan board elected to one 5 year term. They are to be responsible to audit each congressional election during their term.  A vote of the people will determine a maximum donation amount that a registered Voter, Political Party, Corporation, Union, Pac, or special interest can donate for each election cycle. This will be enforced by the election board’s audit process. Each registered voter, Political Party, Corporation, Union, Pac, or Special interest will have a donation ID number linked to an attached voter registration number both encrypted so they cannot be related except that the audit board will know what is legal donation Id and what is not and they will have separate numbering style and separate numbers so that both your vote and your donation will be kept anonymous. Each donation must have a registered voter ID donation Number attached to the donation for it to be accepted by a candidate. This is to be verified by audit of each candidate’s campaign finances each election cycle. We as American citizens can’t launder money so why should our politicians. o A Political Party, Corporation, Union, Pac, or Special interest shall only be able to participate in the donation process up to the maximum single total amount designated by that State. No more or less than any other registered voter in their district. o A Corporation, Union, Pac, or Special interest shall only be able to participate in the State that it has its corporate headquarters in. One Person or Entity One donation. o A political party may have the ability to up to the maximum single amount donation that each State allows so long as they have an established State party headquarters with a full time staff during the entire previous election cycle.
Our political system is the best that is out there. We as American citizens need to take it back while not infringing on any of our freedoms or individual rights. This is a way of doing just that. I encourage all of you to build on this idea tweak it but see to it that each of our voices is no louder than any others and in this way Senators, Congressmen and even the president will be forced to hear the real majority. Our Elected officials will have to be efficient with their money and will have to actually have to debate each other because this will become the cheapest local forum. They won’t have the billions of outside dollars to throw mud at each other nor have surrogates do it from the other side of the state or for that matter the other side of the country. They will have to listen to us because not only will we send them packing by the vote but we all will have an equal say on their purse strings locally. Their mission first and foremost will be to get the best deal possible for their district, their state, and then by negotiating with each other OUR COUNTRY.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by Moderateman (11) 13 years ago

Believe it or not this is the best system out there but it has been hi-jacked by the politicians, and big business while we were alseep at the wheel. If our voted in officials were 100% committed to there district and their peoples needs they would have the freedom to work with NEGOCIATE with all parties, on the individual needs that there district needs. An agricultural district in Washington will have priorities with and Agricultural district in Alabama. A highly populated district in California would have many of the same needs that a Highly populated city in Texas, or Kansas would have. It would no longer be tow the platform or we won't support ($$$) your re-election plan.
By this occupation we have shown that people of walks of life are not dumb. We can make very intelligent decisions on issues. We need to then see that our elected officials then execute those wishes within the idea of democracy and that is NEGOCIATE the best deal possible for all. It can only be done either by every american citizen vote on every issue that can be done electronically, taking up every waking moment of our time. Or trust our elected officials to do there best FOR US. The only way to do this then is by having complete control of the Congressional and Senatorial elections in each district and state. THAT CAN BE DONE. If this is done we can redress all these issue's by a competent District Representative or Competent Senator who must be successful in his or her's home. If not our vote will count and our money will count and they won't be there for long.

[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

Exactly, which is why what we most immediately need is a comprehensive strategy, and related candidate, that implements all our demands at the same time, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management System of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:




if you want to be 1 of 100,000 people needed to support a Presidential Candidate – such as myself or another you'd like to draft – at AmericansElect.org in support of the above bank-focused platform.

[-] 1 points by Moderateman (11) 13 years ago

They should be held accountable by there constituents. If there constituents vote for them they should be the only ones who should have the ability to support them monitarily. We all live in the real world and we know that "sad to say money talks" If our representatives doesn't do our work he will have no money or our vote to participate for re-election. In essence we vote with our pocket book locally for our local voice. The key is that all americans can reasonbly be able to afford the pocketbook vote if they so desire, and that it is free to all people. That is where the max. donated amount will be set indpendently in each district and state by the people of that district or state depending on if it is a congressional or a senate election. The maximu contribution limit is on by the people of that district and state. All this is democracy. the independent majority of each district has complete say in the election that way and it is fair with majorities setting maximum allowable donation levels. No outside influence in the local peoples business. I do apoligize for rambing

[-] 1 points by jdog (146) 13 years ago

Our political system is broken because our elected officials lie about what they are going to do and then do some thing else. How about forcing them to be accountable - maybe with a contract...