Forum Post: 1988-Ron Lawl
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 12:43 p.m. EST by henoktg
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 12:43 p.m. EST by henoktg
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We don't dismiss him because we're in a you vs. me philosophy. We dismiss him because even though he's right about a lot of things, he's wrong about a lot of things, too, and his overall vision of the world is not, by our definition, an improvement.
You know who else predicted everything that is happening now? Sen. Dorgan, in railing against Gramm-Leach-Bliley.
Dr. Loffles is censored because there was a spam-and-troll movement to paint Occupy as strictly Libertarian. We all got sick of it. If that upsets you, look to the cause. Your own people - by attempting to redefine "consensus" from "mutual agreement" to "let's just drown everybody else out and not listen to anyone's disagreements" - made it a practical necessity. Don't be sad.
We? do you represent OWS?
No. I represent the people using this forum that got sick of the Libertarian Spam Attack. It's a different "we," my apologies for not clarifying.
While the 99% cause has some merit, the censorship of R0n Paul's name is completely ridiculous!
Hypocritical isn't a strong enough word. Everyone has 1st amendment rights except people who invoke the name of 'he who should not be mentioned'?
What a farce.
I think the site should come down, no, I mean be put down.
One last thing, I don't support the guy and I doubt I'll be voting for him but we ALL KNOW this is wrong.
who would have guessed...this guy predicated EVERYTHING that is happening now...
and sadly people want to dismiss him because they are stuck in this you vs. me philosophy...left vs. right. Here vs. There.
Wake up and realize we are all in this together...and do some research on this man...he is here to help.
Yap... OWS movement is censor his name... Why?
Im not sure, but its really fucked up. Im not voting for him, and I think its bullshit.
Because this movement supports Obomba and Carbon taxes. Just another way the 1% can control us.
Carbon Tax , what is next pure air consumption tax..... do you really think the forum support obama and this enviro crap. i say the forum because i know the OWS movement is genuinely anti failed system that include Obama and goldman sachs.