Forum Post: 18 Demands Occupy Movements Should Make and Justifications Thereof
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 11:58 p.m. EST by ReadAmos
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Occupy Movements are being criticized for lacking specific goals. Here are 18 goals most people can agree with. Let's start publicizing some subset of them. For more information on each goal, see
- Repeal Glass-Steagall.
- Breakup Too Big To Fail Banks. Too Big To Fail is Too Big To Exist
- Prohibit Bankster bonuses for bank execs receiving TARP money
- Confiscate bonuses for Freddie and Fannie execs
- Jail Banksters, not Occupiers
- Disallow all lobbying.
- Disallow lobbyists and corporations from writing Federal Legislation
- Disallow campaign contributions by Corporations
- Restore Reagan Tax Brackets
- Set Term Limits for Congress
- Disallow Congress from approving pay raises for themselves.
- Outlaw insider trading by members of Congress
- Give Congress the same health care as Medicare
- Give members of Congress retirement packages comparable to private enterprise.
- Prohibit CEOs on the Fed from voting on issues related to their companies.
- Tax outlandish Golden Parachutes at 90%.
- Cut Defense Spending in half and fund programs that benefit ordinary Americans
- Remove US troops from 75 of the 150 countries where now stationed Reserve Bank?