Forum Post: 17 Sep: the American spring
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 3:23 a.m. EST by Busaleh
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
How powerfully the “spring season” begins in US. More than of thousands of American roses rises, and more yet to be rise.
Yes, Mr. President your “yes we can” role’s is over. Don’t you hear the screaming, just look outside your window and listen carefully, “no, you can’t”, “no, you can’t...”, because it was only about you, so it was a shame to include “we”.
You know Mr. Obama, that’s even the so called George W. Bush was better than you, in the important fact of him as a blind follower of the his own philosophy “I’m mourn, so I’m exist”, or in another way a “natural born dumber”, but in your case you are no other than a pretending machine which hopefully to be broken in the coming days.
I still remembered when you first became the US President, one of my friends dared to compare you to the late Dr. Martin Luther King. And as fast as I can I told him latterly, “don’t you ever make such comparison, Luther King was a leader, and Obama is just a president”, and what a difference between the 2 titles!!
You praised lately the rising movements in the Arab world and described it as “the Arabic Spring”, and you also condemned the law enforcement forces brutality there. Fine, but it’s our time now to praised the “American Spring”, and condemned your law enforcement forces brutality in dealing with the 17 September peaceful Movement. Yes, Mr. President it’s “what goes around comes around”. Or as an Arabic wisdom says, “Don’t throw people with stones if your house made of glass”! And I’m pretty sure that the white house is full of glasses!!
Finally, Mr. President remember always– or better listen to Bob Marley! -that’s “a hungry mob is an angry mob” all over the world.
Busaleh from a spot in the Arabic world