Forum Post: 1/10th of 1/100th of 1% of the 99% are lighting fires
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 2, 2012, 1:44 a.m. EST by bill1102inf2
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while you're sipping your beverage of choice this evening, consider again that while this is probably one deranged individual there are millions of screwed-over individuals that have taken it in the backside from the big banksters who have, incidentally, gone without prosecution. Indeed, our own President claims that "no laws were broken."
Oh really?
Hmmm... perjury is a violation of the law. How many perjured affidavits were filed in foreclosure cases?
Fraud is a violation of the law. How many investors and others got rooked in various schemes and scams over the last few years?
Money laundering is a violation of the law too. I seem to remember a "deferred prosecution agreement" instead of handcuffs and prison sentences.
Don't be fooled by the claim that the injured are all "sophisticated investors" who should know better. Were all the farmers who got hosed in the MF Global collapse "sophisticated investors" or were they trying to make a living growing corn, wheat or soybeans so you'd have something to eat and were simply trying to lock a decent price for their crop to be delivered in a few months?
Or how about Jefferson County Alabama? Over 650,000 people got screwed by that fiasco born out of bribery, corruption and graft, and that's not an allegation -- there have been convictions and jail sentences handed out but the screwing remains!
Nobody wants to see anarchy that has a hint of intelligence. It is a nasty, ugly business and is utterly indefensible. But this Ticker isn't about what you want. It's about facing the potential of what is, and if it happens, why it happened so you're prepared to demand political heads roll -- before people start taking actions that lead to literal heads on pikes.
I'm concerned. Everyone has a breaking point. If just one tenth of one percent of the population of Jefferson County was*ed off enough and got hosed badly enough to rage against the machine by lighting fires, there would be 650 arsonists in that one county alone!
I can't imagine what Birmingham would look like under such a scenario, yet 1/10th of one percent is a tiny, minuscule percentage. It's nothing.
It don't take much to get things started. So, where are the lights to start the fires?
.......anybody got a gas can?