Forum Post: 10/17 thru 10/23 National Stop the Funding Week
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 1:59 a.m. EST by Idahoamerican
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It's official. This week we will stop lining their pockets, stop giving them the money they have grown so accustomed to and continually abuse, stop giving away our lives and our money.
- Do not buy anything that is not absolutely necessary...and if you MUST buy it, buy American products. I think you will be surprised at how little you actually NEED to survive for 1 week.
- Keep your money in your own pocket. Close your bank account, no matter where it is. They are all linked to the FED..and they must understand that we will not stand for what they have done. Sell your stocks, close your 401k. No violence, just taking back what is ours to begin with.
- Put off paying your bills for 1 week...nobody will die, and your credit rating won't suffer...but the big corporations will demand action by our government. It will be enough to make them see we are serious.
These actions by all of us will force the government to make changes to the system. Please reply if you will stand with us and STOP the funding this week!
Seriously? You can't go without the extra crap for a single week???
Yes, I do care...and no, I am not a foreigner. Yes it will hurt the economy...but it hurts EVERY day now. We have to start somewhere...
I read posts like this and I honestly wonder if the people posting them are foreigners. You say you're an Idaho American but you have bothered to consider how a spending freeze would hurt the economy? You really don't care, do you.