Forum Post: 10 Reasons America Will Be Judged as the Most Brutal Empire in History
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 11:49 a.m. EST by whatishumanity
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
...Regardless, when the dust settles and moral history is written, America and her Western cohorts will likely be viewed as the most brutal empire in history. Here are ten reasons why this is already the case:
- Support of Dictators:
- Preemptive Wars of Aggression:
- Torture:
- Suppression of Dissent:
- Elimination of Habeas Corpus:
- Assassinating Citizens:
- Unauthorized Drone Wars:
- Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction:
- World's Largest Drug Dealer:
- World Reserve Currency Prison: to read the entire article
All those things that the US accuses our 'enemies' of she is guilty of herself. This is the face of America that the world sees, and the American people are seen as ignorant, pampered, lazy slobs who couldn't care less how many people their govmt murders.
Wars are extremely profitable to the global banking interests, and our military might is being used to further their interests.
It's Now Illegal To Protest Iraq War... Bush Says "Shut The F#@% Up." Congress says 'OK' Forget Habeas Corpus. Forget free press. Forget Democratic checks and balances. Forget Democrats doing anything. Now you can't protest government policy on Iraq. It's now illegal to protest the Iraq War, due to "national security."
typical anti american crap. Move to cuba or north korea or china or anywhere u think is better. You will not be missed.
people are not happy with the US
Then WTF are you doing here? Until you move elsewhere your words ring hollow.
Why are we here? To take back our country from you ratbastards. Our country has been hijacked by powers that don't share our American values. We're taking it back. We are OWS.
My question was addressed to "whatishumsnity", not to OWS in general or least of all to a turd like you. Crawl back into your hole.
Let me choose my words carefully, I believe you are unAmerican, anti the idea of America, unpatriotic slime that our forefathers would have considered a traitor to their cause. But thank you for illustrating the need for OWS.
Are you retarded? I'm not talking to you and I don't value your opinion. You're obviously confused. Go away.
You know what you should do? I understand that if you lie on you back, and then scooch towards a wall, and then walk up the wall with your feet, and then bring your legs and feet over your head and face, that you could then suck your own dick. That sounds like your kind of activity.
Well, you seem to know exactly how to do it. Well, at least we know now how you spend your weekends.
Seriously, just go away.
Do you want to know why we're the most brutal? Because our ancestors came from the most brutal habitations on earth.
Leave now, dirtbag.
This is true. WTF are we doing here you ask? Because this is our country. Why are we at OWS >>> Protesting to right wrongs! Wake up
"Nazional" security is a multiuse tool. It's good for everything. The CIA is the only institution that keeps the Pentagon attack video where a plane made a single hole in the Pentagon wall, but the heavy titanium blade engines could not make any hole, and almost the whole plane "vaporised" and dissappeared like a UFO for the first time in history, a technological wonder proof of which is the videos confiscated by the CIA, not only the Pentagon cameras, but also all cameras in the surroundings, due to reasons of "nazional scurity", information on the murder of John Kennedy also classified until 2035 for reasons of nazional security. But some people still believe the CIA, the US governement and Santa Claus.
please add:
Largest producers of arms and munitions. Largest exporter of arms and munitions.
Awesome post. I for one am not going to sleep well anymore thats for sure.
Use your real IP address for your posts? Lol..Feds may be closer to you than you think with your anti US posts.
Just saying is all.
Identifying the government with the country is a perfect definition of nazism.
Not anti-American, just anti-brutality
Not anti US, only anti US government. If the Feds have to monitor all anti US government post, they have nearly 7 billion people to monitor. Cans someone change the Spanish button for "save" (post) translated wrongly as "ahorrar", which means "save money", please? The right word is "guardar", or "grabar".
I hate to tell you this but all forms of electronic communication in this country are monitored.
Self loathing, American hating liberals. What are you gonna do with them? Other than keep them in a pig pen (see Zuccotti park) and let them shit in buckets.
You left off the brutal murder of millions of unborn children via the lucrative abortion industry.
the empire does not perform abortions, people do.