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Forum Post: ---Watch-Spartacus Vengeance Season 2 Episode 1 Fugitivus Online Premiere

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 28, 2012, 2:35 p.m. EST by hfghfh (0)
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The reader is introduced to Raskolnikov’s cramped quarters. His living conditions disgust him but they keep him isolated, which he desires. Raskolnikov, a former student, used to support himself by teaching children.

Here To: Watch Spartacus Vengeance Episode 1 Online Free - http://tvbreak.info/tv-series/spartacus-vengeance-season-1-episode-1-fugitivus/

Here To: Watch Spartacus Vengeance Episode 1 Online Free - http://tvbreak.info/tv-series/spartacus-vengeance-season-1-episode-1-fugitivus/

His maid, Nastasya, tells him that his landlady, Praskovya Pavlovna, is going to file a complaint with the police because he has not paid his back rent. He receives a letter from his mother, Pulcheria Alexandrovna, about his sister, Avdotya Romanovna (Dounia). Dounia worked as a tutor for the Svidrigaïlovs. Arkady Ivanovitch Svidrigaïlov tried to seduce Dounia, who rejected him. However, Svdrigailov’s wife, Marfa Petrovna, overheard their conversations and spread disgraceful rumors about Dounia throughout town. Once she realized her error, she went door-to-door to explain the situation and restore Dounia’s reputation. She introduces Dounia to Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin, who wants an honorable wife without a dowry so that she will feel indebted to him. Pulcheria Alexandrovna writes that the marriage will take place in St. Petersburg, and she and Dounia will be arriving in town soon. She wants Raskolnikov to become Luzhin’s law associate or partner. She writes that she hopes Raskolnikov is still saying his prayers. Raskolnikov is angered by the news, adding to his anxiety. Raskolnikov decides that he must break off Dounia’s wedding. He is angry that his mother is pinning all of her hopes on Luzhin, and Raskolnikov thinks Dounia only agreed to the marriage to save him and their mother. He thinks Dounia’s “sacrifice” is on the same level as Sonia’s. While walking down the street he sees a drunk, fifteen-year old girl being followed by a base-looking man. Raskolnikov enlists a policeman to help him protect the girl, and then offers the last of his money to call a cab for her. He suddenly has a change of heart, however, and tells the policeman to leave them alone. Raskolnikov has very few friends from the university, since most people thought he looked down upon them, but he is still on good terms with Razhumikin, who is also currently out of school but is saving money to go back. Raskolnikov decides to visit Razhumikin.



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