Forum Post: -- To Anti-Establishmentarians - A Note On Net Neutrality
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 9:14 a.m. EST by ZenDogTroll
from South Burlington, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I received the following email today - I believe it stands as stark evidence that not only are there one or two within the establishment who are indispensable to our movement, some of them have actually been complaining about the same things we are now, and for a very long time:
Dear Mr. Winter:
Today, the Senate voted on a resolution offered by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas that would have blocked implementation of network neutrality rules. I opposed this resolution because I strongly believe that protecting an open Internet and preventing discrimination by service providers is critical to preserving a vibrant and competitive Internet.
"Net neutrality" is a bedrock principle of the Internet. Consumers should be able to access the lawful Internet content of their choice without service providers discriminating based on the source of the content. Last December, the Federal Communications Commission took important steps to establish net neutrality rules that will create transparency and foster competition online. These rules are set to go into effect on November 20.
Too many Vermonters have no choice or limited choice of broadband service providers. This lack of competition raises the threat of providers discriminating against certain lawful websites and Internet content. Ensuring that net neutrality rules are in place now, while the Internet is becoming an increasingly central part of our lives, will ensure that the online marketplace continues to be dynamic well into the future.
I have long been a supporter of net neutrality principles. I was a cosponsor of net neutrality legislation in the 109th and 110th Congresses that would have gone further to preserve an open Internet than the actions taken by the FCC last year, but unfortunately it did not pass.
I was proud to stand up for an open Internet by opposing the resolution considered by the Senate today. I will continue to support strong and responsible net neutrality policies as long as I am a member of the United States Senate.
United States Senator
I, personally, wish to thank Senator Leahy for his support on the issue of Net Neutrality, for without it this forum is toast.
Without Net Neutrality you might not be able to tweet:
Corporations do not have opposable thumbs!!
Corporations do not have tongues!!
I would encourage you to consider whether or not you might like to thank him as well.
The dems want control over the internet. they want complete control over you. They want you to read the the news that they supply.
I've said this somewhere else - I'll say it again.
We have a complex system - you have to understand how it works if you are to identify it's weaknesses and exploit them.
I mean, just imagine for a moment - what if texass repelican Hutchison's bill had passed?
Think about that a minute . . . .
Gov't needs to do ONE thing. Stay the fuck OUT of the internet. It's doing quite well without their interference.