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Forum Post: ------->I Saw the 1% Crying at Me

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 9:16 p.m. EST by junglylion (55)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

the 1% say that I am stupid and killing myself.... they say my protest is not justice, because they did nothing but followed the economic roles to make money....they are not wrong...it is the 99% who are in capable, and just want to get everything from us without any labor....

I didn't replied them, I just said to myself, "OK, I won't break the rule, I just draw all my money out of the bank---Am I breaking the rule??? certainly not----I have this right..."

I then heard their crying, Oh no! stupid guy, you are killing yourself, you are destroying the whole economy the whole order of the US....

I replied to them, "destroying the old, why not ??? a new one will then come up"; "I'm not killing myself"

I am a very common teacher in a very common university, after I have withdrawn the cash, I quit my job, because I know the university would soon become bankrupt... I shifted to the countryside with my family, and did a very simple deal with the farmers there...

I said to several farmers there that I can teach their children without being paid of money---the only requirement is that you can provide me food to survive... I am a very good teacher, well qualified... after some talk about the changes would be made to our nation, they agreed....

I still hear the 1% crying to me, they are threatening me... saying "I dare you do that, rude guy!!!"

---I always smile to myself, "I'm the 99%, have nothing more to lose, how can my situation be even worse???---even if the situation becomes worse, I have full confidence to the rest 99%, they will be united...and will wake up, expecting the rise of a new nation... I believe in it....really..."




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[-] 1 points by junglylion (55) 13 years ago

...people from my country have no freedom of speech... they are fooled by the official...

I have already seen the hope of a new U.S.....but my country is still in the darkness and have not yet waken up at all....

[-] 1 points by RillyKewl (218) 13 years ago

Maybe you should try writing in your native language first. Then we can work on translating it into english later.

[-] 1 points by junglylion (55) 13 years ago

thank you... I corrected some grammar errors and typos... what about now? have I made myself understood?

[-] 1 points by booshington (397) 13 years ago

I say post it in your native language.

[-] 1 points by RillyKewl (218) 13 years ago

hmmmm. It could still use a little work, but good luck with it.

[-] 0 points by junglylion (55) 13 years ago

Some of my friends quit their jobs as well...

they moved back to their hometown and are preparing for the evolution....