Forum Post: -Demands-
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 11:13 a.m. EST by chasegarcia
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
. Respect the Constitutional Amendments-get rid of some laws . End The Middle East War- . Protect the border and help Mexico with cartels . Focus on education-our school system is outdated & expensive . Tax the rich(the more money you have the higher the tax) . Bring some NASA Programs back
-add if you like
The relationships between big business and our politicians need to end, we need a clean race for every candidate, who should not consist of just the rich. The outdated party system that exists to battle begs for change, we need a person of the people instead, running on their own beliefs and not the parties. Our system needs to be gone over with a fine toothed comb, removing the waste and abuse, fix programs that are broken. Fix welfare, end insurance (racket) abuses, leash lawyers (no more frivolous lawsuits), dismantle the FED, end the war on drugs (invest instead in cheap clinics), and change laws for selling jobs out over seas.
"get rid of some laws" End the war on drugs police officers should NOT have arrest quotas
"get rid of some laws " Needs to be WAY more specific
"End The Middle East War" good and agreed, though this may need to be worded better.
"Protect the border and help Mexico with cartels ." That would more than likely just start another war, though with far better reasons than the on in the middle east, this is an expense America can't afford right now
"Focus on education-our school system is outdated & expensive ." outdated yes, expensive not so much. I will agree that the school system desperately needs fixing, but I wouldn't know where to start with that.
"Tax the rich(the more money you have the higher the tax) ." I can't see this working out, they would just move somewhere else like they moved most of their businesses that ended up turning into sweat shops.
"Bring some NASA Programs back" Be more specific and again, considering our current financial issue as a country, I really don't think we need to work on such programs.
yes, It is my personal list. If you have any demands post them.
...this is just a personal wish list?
Make cute bunnies mandatory for all