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Occupy Philly Still Standing Strong

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 12:06 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Philly Sit In

Though ordered by the city to leave yesterday and threatened with arrest, Occupy Philly remains peacefully assembled. For background on the situation in Philly, see our earlier post.


  • 10:54pm EST: Still there, still peaceful, still no arrests.
  • 7:15pm EST: Still at Dilworth! General Assembly underway.
  • 6:53pm EST: Police presence reported to be thinning.
  • 5:43pm EST: Police are blocking off public park. Occupy Philly still urging supporters to gather, bring cameras!
  • 4:40pm EST: More police are reported seen massing near the plaza, but have not yet made any attempt to evict. Occupy Philly is still holding strong at Dilworth, planning to hold General Assembly!
  • 12:58pm EST: Occupy Philly will be gathering at 4pm today at Dilworth Plaza**, not at Rittenhouse Square. Please come out and support us as we make plans for the future of our movement in Philly.
  • 12:32pm EST: According to Twitter report, power has been shut off at Occupy Philly this morning.
  • 11:03am EST: From a Facebook post:

    "Our eviction party last night started off at 5pm with about a thousand supporters and an open mic about what kind of world we want to live in. Then we had a dance party, a conga line to Thomas Paine Plaza, and a 5am march against traffic to Rittenhouse Square, where we strolled past police cars at every entrance. Eviction didn't happen, but a lot of fun did! Please go to Occupy Philly to support and relieve people who've been up ALL NIGHT holding the space against the eviction!! We called Nutter's bluff and are still going strong! Much love crew!!! And come and join us tonight." SEE PHOTOS: OccupyPhilly on Facebook


Occupy Philly Facing Eviction TODAY

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 12:04 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

support Occupy Philly

Despite having sent a letter of appeal to City Hall, Occupy Philadelphia is facing imminent eviction:

[Mayor] Nutter has joined the chorus of Mayors nationwide to silence and render invisible this movement against Wall Street greed. The City told us to leave City Hall with all of our belongings by 5pm today. At 5pm let's show them how much support this movement has. Come to City Hall and stand with the 99%! Chances are police will not move in at that time. The City will probably unleash them in the middle of the night to start ripping down tents and displacing the homeless.

Occupy Philly also released the following statement urging solidarity from the 99% and offering ways for supporters to help today: Read More...


URGENT: Occupy LA Prepares for Eviction

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 10:40 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

The mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa, has ordered Occupy LA to pack up and leave Solidarity Park (formerly City Hall Park) by 12:01AM tonight or face arrest. Villaraigosa – who initially claimed to support the Occupation and has lauded OWS for "awakening the country's conscience" – is now citing "public health and safety" as justification to evict the encampment, even as LA police chief Charlie Beck refused to reject the use of tear gas and rubber bullets against nonviolent protestors.

As Villaraigosa held a press conference announcing the park would be closed indefinitely after eviction, Occupy LA held a counter press conference outside City Hall. Meanwhile inside, Occupy LA delivered part of its General Assembly's response, including their so-far unmet grievances:

As a collective, Occupy Los Angeles would like to express their rejection of the City of Los Angeles’ alleged proposal that we leave City Hall by November 28th, 2011, in exchange for an apparently now rescinded offer of a 10,000 square foot building, farmland and 100 SRO beds for the homeless. . . .

We the people have peaceably assembled in public space seeking at minimum a full of redress of grievance for the government's criminal mistreatment of the people and fraudulent application of judiciary responsibilities, in large part for the interest of exploitative corporations and weaponized banks.



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