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Charlotte Occupies Bank of America!

Posted 12 years ago on May 9, 2012, 5:34 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

occupy boa charlotte

10:30am: Arrests have been made as victims of Bank of America foreclosures attempt to enter the meeting.
9:30am ET: After several marches converged earlier this morning, at least 1000 people are currently occupying the intersection of 5th and college in front of the Bank of America headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina in a peaceful sit-in protest. About a 100 shareholders who support the movement are inside as heavily armed police guard the BoA building.

For background, see here. See also NCAgainstCorporatePower.org, UnityAlliance.org and The99Power.org.

Follow on Twitter: @The99Power, @JWJnational, @domesticworkers, @codepink, @BankVsAmerica, #99power, #MakeBoAPay.

Yesterday, Occupy Fights Foreclosure in Los Angeles “fraudulently foreclosed” on a Bank of America branch in solidarity with the 99% protests in Charlotte. Occupy Detroit protesters also occupied the Bank of America building in Detroit. A flashmob played a game of human ¨Monopoly¨ before taking to the street to demand mortage relief and make clear not a single dollar more of public money should be used to save the banks who ruined Detroit. At 4pm today, Occupy Detroit will protest BoA again. Solidarity protests are also planned against Bank of America in DC, Los Angeles, Austin, and other cities.

bank vs america


Maryland: Occupy The G8

Posted 12 years ago on May 9, 2012, 12:53 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

occupy g8

For a summary of events, see below. For more information, see OccupyG8-2012.org, OccupyG8Thurmont.net, or Occupy G8 Peoples Summit.

via Occupy G8 Thurmont:

Why we are protesting the G8 Summit:
According to Wikipedia, G8 consists of representatives of the governments of the 8 countries with the largest Gross Domestic Product (GPD), totaling the majority of the world’s GDP. They are listed as: The USA, European Union, UK, France, Japan, Russia, Canada, and Italy. Members of G20 will also be there as observers (including China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Mexico, Indonesia, etc.) G8 will meet at Camp David near Thurmont, Maryland on May 18 and 19. A NATO summit will take place the next two days, May 20 and 21, in Chicago, where large demonstrations are planned. Some Marylanders will be carpooling from Frederick to Chicago, leaving Saturday night, May 19. The G8 summit was moved from Chicago to Camp David because of threatened protests in Chicago.

According to the G8 Information Center, G8’s agenda includes:

  • nuclear policy
  • Arabic fossil fuels
  • agribusiness
  • NATO’s role in Afghanistan.

We propose a Peoples’ 99% Agenda against the imperialist (corporate-dictated) agenda. We propose that protesters including the Occupy movement go to Thurmont, Maryland, and demonstrate our concerns regarding nuclear policy, energy policy, resource wars, agribusiness, the 1% corporate dictatorship, and other international issues.

Instead of the G8 agenda, we suggest a Peoples’ 99% Agenda:

  • universal nuclear disarmament
  • label all GMO food (90% of corn and soy beans)
  • save the global climate
  • justice for developing countries
  • international banking reform for the 99%
  • geothermal, solar, wind, conservation, efficiency

via October2011.org:

People Organize to Protest G8, Present Alternative Economic View

The G8 Economic Summit fled Chicago to avoid protest, but organizers from multiple-Occupy’s and advocacy groups have organized several events to make sure the people’s voices are heard.

October2011/OccupyWashingtonDC.org has organized an Occupy G8 People’s Summit that will examine how to build a sustainable, democratized economy from the bottom up; the impact of the wealth divide on people’s well-being and on policy creation; and alternative economic structures that create a more democratic, sustainable economy. The event, which will be held in the Frederick Public Library from 10 to 2 on Friday, May 18th will feature the voices of the 99% along with experts on the Robin Hood Tax, food, water and energy issues, trade agreements, the wealth divide and a democratized economy. You can see the full schedule and details on the website of our partner organization, Its Our Economy.

Occupy Frederick is organizing events in Frederick, Maryland, fifteen minutes from Camp David. After the Summit people will march through downtown Frederick and will hold a “Counter-G8 Community Bloc Party” on Saturday, May 19th from 11 AM to 9 PM in Baker Park (band shell side) near 2nd and N. Bentz. The event is inclusive of all ages for radicals and residents alike and will include live music, workshops, speakers, face painting and a truly free market. You can see the details here.

Occupy Baltimore is organizing legal, non-violent protests on the public sidewalks in Thurmont, MD on Friday and Saturday (May 18th and 19th) from 8 AM until sundown on both days. People are urged to bring signs, banners, folding chairs, food and drink. Overnight camping is available nearby. Thurmont is located just a few minutes from Camp David off of Route 15. You can get details here.

Law enforcement has been very active in preparing for our actions. Authorities took the uncommon step of closing Cunningham Falls State Park at the request of the Secret Service. The Baltimore Sun described this as “highly unusual and may be without precedent.” In addition, designated First Amendment areas that had been open for previous summits at Camp David have also been closed.

Please join us at these events. The whole world will be watching. We need to show the G8 and the world that we want an economy for the people, built from the bottom up not from the top down and that is democratic, sustainable and fair.

In Solidarity

OccupyWashington, DC

P.S. If you’d like to contribute to these efforts, donate here.


No Cops! No Hikes! CUNY Convergence Against Police Repression

Posted 12 years ago on May 8, 2012, 11:50 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Thursday, May 10, 2012
Hunter College
695 Park Avenue, New York, NY
RSVP on Facebook
More info: @NYStudentsRise, @SUFCUNY, @BCstudentunion

no cops no hikes

via Take Back Brooklyn

In Response to Campus Security’s Use of Excessive Force on Peaceful Students, Petition to Repeal Tuition Hikes and End Securitization of CUNY

On May 2nd, 2012, peaceful students and faculty experienced unnecessary brutality on the Brooklyn College campus. Brooklyn College President Karen Gould ordered for students to be violently removed by campus security from outside of her office in a main academic building; two students were wrongly arrested, spent a night in jail, and face unsubstantiated charges.



Native Resistance Network: NYC Events This Weekend

Posted 12 years ago on May 8, 2012, 11:07 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

native resistance network

Friday, May 11, 2012
An Evening with Lenny Foster

When: 6 to 10 p.m. (Reception from 6 to 7 p.m. Light Refreshments Will be Served.)
Where: Casa de las Américas
182 E. 111th St.
(btwn. Lex. Ave. and 3rd Ave.)
Take the 6 train to E. 110th St.

Lenny will speak on Native American Spirituality, the Prison System, Environmental Issues Affecting Native Lands and Native American Prisoner of War Leonard Peltier

Lenny Foster of the Diné Nation is the Director of the Navajo Nation Corrections Project and the Spiritual Advisor for 1,500 Indian inmates in many state and federal prisons in the Western U.S. He has co-authored legislation in New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado that allows Native American spiritual and religious practice in prison and results in significant reductions in prison returns.

He is a board member of the International Indian Treaty Council, a sun dancer and member of the Native American Church. He has been with the American Indian Movement since 1969 and has participated in actions including Alcatraz, Black Mesa, the Trail of Broken Treaties, Wounded Knee 1973, the Menominee Monastery Occupation, Shiprock Fairchild Occupation, the Longest Walk and the Big Mountain land struggle. He was a 1993 recipient of the City of Phoenix Dr. Martin Luther King Human Rights Award.

Lenny will speak on five Native American issues: the illegal imprisonment of Leonard Peltier, land and resources taken from Native peoples by the U.S. government, stripmining, uranium mining and the pollution of the land, air and water, Native American freedom of religion and the demand to honor Native treaty rights.

Sponsors: NYC LPDOC Chapter, NYC Jericho Movement, Native Resistance Network, ProLibertad (list in formation) For more info: nyclpdoc@gmail.com • 917-544-1577

Native Resistance Network
NEXT MEETING & Potluck: Sunday May 13th, 4-7pm.

For location, e-mail Demelza: demelzaster@gmail.com
Please bring an entree or side dish to share!

We have decided to begin discussing decolonization within our group - no need to know everything, because we surely don't! But if you're interested in this topic, please come join us on Sunday! (We will also be talking about future possibilities and actions within our group)

Some suggested articles on decolonization collected by one of our colleagues:
Decolonizing together: http://briarpatchmagazine.com/articles/view/decolonizing-together
Decolonizing Indigenous Communities: http://www.lastrealindians.com/2012/04/18/decolonizing-indigenous-communities/
Decolonization of American Indians Pt. 1 and 2: http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/ictarchives/2007/02/23/cook-lynn-decolonization-of-american-indians-90390 and http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/ictarchives/2007/03/02/cook-lynn-decolonization-of-american-indians-2-90409
The Politics of Solidarity: Six Nations, Leadership, and the Settler Left: http://uppingtheanti.org/journal/article/04-the-politics-of-solidarity/


Occupy Midsummer: Global Festivals for the Universal Living Wage

Posted 12 years ago on May 8, 2012, 4:29 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

occupy midsummer

via Occupy Midsummer

Call To Action

The regime of wholesale robbery — what the 1% call “austerity” — is already falling across Europe, and soon will fall across the world. But the inevitable collapse of austerity is not enough. We, the 99%, demand a world beyond Wall Street. We demand a system where everyone can not only survive, but flourish.

To reach this world, we are raising our voices to demand a universal living wage.

We call on all occupies, unions, community organizations, immigrants rights groups, student bodies, religious organizations, environmental groups, anti-poverty activists, and everyone to join us June 20th, 2012 for a new holiday for the 99%: A Global Festival for the Universal Living Wage.

In only eight months, Occupy Wall Street has succeeded in putting income inequality back at the center of popular and political discourse. Next, we will end it. This June 20th — Midsummer in the northern hemisphere and Mid-winter in the southern hemisphere — we will begin a campaign to ensure the 99% never again lose our homes or worry about feeding our families and communities because of the greed of the 1%. We will not stop until we win.

Midsummer is traditionally a day to celebrate abundance. Let´s celebrate our abundance of love, joy, and solidarity by proclaiming a new holiday for the 99%. Let’s eat, drink, sing, and dance on the future grave of austerity. Let´s show that a world without austerity and scarcity is not only possible, but already in the works. What better way to celebrate the passing away of the old regime of death and disorder than by joining together in festival to demand the living wage?

On the longest day of our year, the 99% will shine our brightest. We Can´t Live On Change — We Demand A Living Wage!

Find out more about the campaign for the living wage, how to organize events, and many other resources at www.OccupyMidsummer.org.
Contact: LivingWage@OccupyMidsummer.org
Twitter: @OccupyMidsummer. #OccupyMidsummer. #LivingWageNow
Facebook: facebook.com/OccupyMidsummer


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