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The Struggle Continues! May 2nd Brooklyn College Education Convergence

Posted 12 years ago on May 2, 2012, 3:32 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

CUNY Students on May Day
Brooklyn College students at May Day General Strike!

Another University is Possible. Today, May 2nd, students from across NYC will be joining together at the Brooklyn College Campus to take back our future from the 1%. Hundreds of students will be staging a continuation of May Day and the Free University by taking over the Quad at Brooklyn College with teach-ins, political theater, food, music, and events to show an alternative university. While subsidies, tax breaks, and corporate loopholes continue to exist allowing banks and corporations to make record profits, slashes to education have resulted in students paying more and more in CUNY while receiving less and less.

Noon, Wednesday - May 2, 2012
Brooklyn College Quad (Next to the library and Bell Tower)

12:00: Sign Making, Music, Student Loan Debt Balloons
12:30: Political Theater: Wedding of CUNY Chancellor Goldstein + Kroll Security Group
1:00: Student Speakers, Reading of Solidarity Statements from Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky, and The Quebec Student Strike.
1:30: March
2: 00: Free Lunch and Free University teach-ins: David Graeber, and others! - Many from the May Day Free University


  • 2,5 Train to Flatbush Ave/Brooklyn College, Walk one block West on Hillel Place
  • B,Q Train to Ave H. Walk Four Blocks East on Ave H to the Campus Road (If security guards are assholes, then walk to another entrance. We will have tenure faculty at some of the entrances ensuring people get in.)

More Info:

Solidarity Statement from Naomi Klein and Noam Chomsky, May 1st, 2012:

“All around the world, young people are leading resistance movements against repressive governments and repressive economic policies, from the Arab Spring, to Occupy Wall Street, to the Spanish Indignados, and countless other protest movements around the globe. It is right that young people are at the center of these movements, since it is your futures that are being stolen by austerity budgets, reckless environmental policies and discriminatory immigration laws. In Chile and Quebec, student strikes and protests have transformed into mass social movements, ones that raise profound questions about the fundamental injustices of their societies and raise real hopes for transformation. With your actions, you at Brooklyn College are joining this inspiring global uprising against a collapsing system and we are proud to stand in solidarity with you.”

CUNY Banner Drop


Tonight: Shut Down Sotheby's!

Posted 12 years ago on May 2, 2012, 2:48 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

The Scream

Tonight, at an exclusive 7pm auction, Sotheby's is expected to sell Edvard Munch's iconic painting "The Scream" for $80 million dollars. Outside, Occupy and labor allies will protest the Upper East Side art auction house in solidarity with 43 locked-out art handlers who have been replaced by Sotheby's with low wage temporary workers with no benefits.

Catering exclusively to the mega-rich (by providing a service that makes them richer and more exclusive,) Sotheby's is perhaps the most quintessentially 1% institution there is. Founded before the industrial era, it was the first company ever listed on the NY Stock Exchange, and today (despite the current "recession") is more profitable than at any other time in its 260-year history. Meanwhile, the Sotheby's workers who make those profits possible are given the shaft. Enough is enough. The 99% will not stand silent as union-busting companies like Sotheby's wage class war against us.

If you don't like Diana Taylor or Brookfield Properties (or if you liked Liberty Square), come Shut Down Sotheby's. Diana Taylor is on the board at Sotheby's and Brookfield, and told union members she would resign if the CEO gave the workers what they asked for.

If you love art, and believe that art belongs to all people, not to private wealth, please come shut down Sotheby's.

If you believe that paintings shouldn't sell for $80 million dollars, while some people can't afford food, rent, and medicine, come shut down Sotheby's.

If you believe that ALL workers have a right organize, come shut down Sotheby's.

If you believe the 99% must stand together, come shut down Sotheby's!

7PM @ 72nd and York Ave, NYC

