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Martin Luther King, Jr Day - Weekend Roundup

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 15, 2012, 12:22 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt


TONIGHT (Jan. 15th): Join at the Riverside Church in Harlem (490 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10027) at 8:00pm for a candlelight vigil honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. Other vigils are happening across the world!

Members of the African-American faith community have joined forces with Occupy Wall Street to launch a new campaign for economic justice inspired by the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Faithful to its philosophical origin, the "Occupy the Dream" coalition has called for a National Day of Action to Occupy the Federal Reserve tomorrow to focus attention on the gross injustice visited upon the 99% by the financial elite. Clergy members and Occupiers in over 16 cities will come together in Austin, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, DC, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Richmond, San Francisco, St. Louis, Wilmington, and beyond. In Manhattan, we will gather tomorrow (Jan. 16th) from 10am to 1pm at 33 Liberty Street (NY, NY 10045).

Afterward, join Occupiers in Sunset Park, Brooklyn for a 99% Unity Day celebration and community speak-out to commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr! We will be gathering at Trinity Lutheran Church (4th Ave & 46th St in Sunset Park) at 3pm. There will be refreshments, childcare, English-Spanish translation, speakers, performances, an open mic, and a march to the court house!

Occupiers and the 99% movement across the country have found creative and diverse ways to honor the legacy of Dr. King by putting his vision into practice. Here are just a few examples:

  • Boston: The Occupy Boston People of Color Working Group will host OB's weekly Community Gathering encourage participants to think about what Occupy Boston and the public can learn from the ideas, campaigns, and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Attendees of this free event will listen to excerpts from King's speeches and hear from activists from the 1968 Tent City occupation of the National Mall. There will also be a teach-in about the failure of "3 strikes/habitual offender" legislation, open discussion about racism and the Occupy movement, slam poetry, hip-hop, and more.
  • Philadelphia: Occupy Vacant Lots and the Housing and Economoic Empowerment Group will come together for an MLK Day of Service to help cleanup local lots for community use before marching in the Occupy the Dream March in Center City.
  • Minneapolis: Occupy The Hood will be hosting an MLK Day March for Jobs, Housing, and Justice. From their statement: "On this King Day observation we will march in the spirit of Dr. King’s desire for justice for all. So in his honor we march to demand: jobs for all; a freeze on foreclosures; housing for all; workers rights and a livable wage; no more cuts to social programs; an end to racist mass incarceration; an end to scapegoating immigrants; an end to discrimination in all its forms."
  • Chicago: Occupiers will kick off the Occupy the Dream Week of Action by going directly into the communities hit hardest by the foreclosure crisis and reclaiming a boarded up home to give it to a family in need. Also, after a discussion about Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1966 work and legacy in the housing struggle in Chicago (including the formation of tenant unions, rent strikes and eviction blockades that became central to the black struggle for housing justice), a coalition of Chicago community groups will begin a city-wide canvassing effort targeting homeowners facing foreclosure. Events and actions will follow all week.
  • Baltimore: In honor of Martin Luther King and Occupy the Dream, protesters will begin a five-day occupation of the proposed site of a juvenile detention center. The youth jail will cost over $100 million, even as the city intends to close or privatize recreation centers because of "budget shortages." Schools Not Jails! seeks "to demand a change in how city and state funding is deployed; let’s confront the institutionalized social, political, and economic racism in this city head on. Let’s fight together for better jobs, better schools, a better Baltimore for everyone."
  • Atlanta: Occupy Atlanta will continue to camp out in front of Higher Ground Empowerment Center, a beloved local church that has offered programs and resources for the area's under-resourced communities, which stands to be foreclosed on by BB&T.