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NYC: Stop the Vote to Close Schools - Occupy the PEP

Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 9, 2012, 7 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

high school walk out

Following a mass walk-out by high school students earlier this month in protest of Mayor Bloomberg's plan to close their schools. Even as the demonstration was harassed by Bloomberg's NYPD, students and allies denounced Bloomberg as "Mayor 1%" and demanded fair and accessible education for all. Today at 5:30pm until 8:30pm at Brooklyn Technical High School (29 Fort Greene Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217), there is another event to support NYC students:

(En español abajo)

This Thursday, the Department of Education's Panel for Educational Policy (PEP) will convene again to determine the fate of 25 schools the city is trying to close down.

Since the majority of the panel is appointed by Mayor Bloomberg - and has never voted against his will - this decision will be easy for them. The Panel has never heard or been responsive to voices of real students, parents, teachers, and community members who have already spoken out against their failed educational policy, nor will they be interested in the voices of the hundreds that will sign up to speak the night of. To date, no school slated for closure has been spared.

Join us as we use the People's Mic to reclaim our public meeting and block this fatal vote, while demanding accountability from the DOE to provide adequate support that schools and students need to thrive.

We are Occupy The DOE. We are the 99%. Expect us.

PEP Meeting Agenda: http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/837E0306-0BEE-4575-957C-B6B45CA8AC12/118864/PEP_Agenda_Feb91.pdf

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